The president of the PP of Catalonia, Alejandro Fernández, has received the support of a figure of such prestige among Spanish conservative liberalism as Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, who this Monday has come out in defense of her theses, contrary to all negotiations with Junts, in a full page article in the newspaper El Mundo.

Under the title of “Free, equal and popular”, Álvarez de Toledo, who already faced the previous executive of the PP after being relieved as parliamentary spokesperson by Pablo Casado, explains the reasons why the approach to the formation is believed to be an error of Carles Puigdemont and maintains that the “insane auction for power” undertaken by the PSOE at the hands of Pedro Sánchez offers an opportunity to the popular ones.

With a scathing tone, the representative for Madrid – in the last term she was for Barcelona – assures on her platform that the pact that Feijóo proposed to Sánchez – baptized as an agreement for the equality of all Spaniards – gave her “relief” after the movements of approximation of the PP to Junts and the PNV.

“I take you at your word,” writes Álvarez de Toledo, for whom “peripheral nationalisms” are contrary to equality inasmuch as they perpetuate territorial and historical “privileges” that, in his opinion, cannot be accepted even with dialectical “contortions” such as the plurinationality.

“This mutation would end not only with Spain, but with the Spanish. And the PP, pulverized”, predicts the historian, who, against the path of dialogue barely hinted at by the leadership of her party, prescribes “a vigorous Catalan constitutionalism” as a formula for Feijóo to reach Moncloa. And she does not see anyone more qualified than Alejandro Fernández to promote this policy in Catalonia.

As for the other actor of nationalism, in this case the Spanish one, who admits that he represents Vox, Álvarez de Toledo urges the PP to leave the “bipolar relationship” that it maintains with the far-right, with which agreements can be reached without the need for ” commune,” he argues. And he establishes in the opposition to the use of the co-official languages ??in Congress a “golden opportunity” to raise the “common flag” of the “koiné” that unites the Spanish.