The president of the Region of Murcia, the popular Fernando López Miras, was re-elected this Thursday in the Cartagena Assembly with the support of the 30 seats that the PP and Vox have – under the government agreement reached between both parties this week – and with the vote against the 13 deputies of the PSOE and the two of Podemos. He achieves it three months after the regional elections of 28-M and two months after a first failed attempt.

Finally, the entry into the regional government of the extreme right, which López Miras had refused to do since the elections, has made it possible to unblock a situation that had remained entrenched until last week and to avoid the electoral repetition that would have occurred automatically if it had not been held tomorrow, Friday. he elected head of the Murcian executive.

After confirming the investiture by the president of the Chamber, applause broke out in the assembly and the newly proclaimed president thanked the support received and assured that now “a government begins that will be for everyone to love whoever they love, pray to whoever they love.” pray and think as you think”.

Before being inaugurated, López Miras has defended himself against criticism from the socialist group and Podemos for his pact with Vox and ordered them not to give lessons on pacts when they are negotiating with the former president of the Catalan Generalitat Carles Puigdemont the investiture of Pedro Sánchez .

During the debate, the socialist spokesman, José Vélez, accused him of “kneeling before Vox” and of having wasted more than three months in an “irresponsible paripé to attend to Feijóo’s interests”, in relation to the time it took the Popular Party and Vox in reaching an agreement to govern the region and that in the eyes of the socialists has been a “little theater.”

Along the same lines, the spokesperson for the Podemos Parliamentary Group, María Marín, has warned that there is no difference between “Mr. López Miras and Antelo” nor does there exist between “the moderate Feijóo and the ultra Abascal”, the moderate Popular Party of which They say “it only exists in the electoral campaign.”

On the other hand, the provincial president and spokesman for the Vox Parliamentary Group, José Ángel Antelo, has stated that the government agreement signed by his party and the PP to govern the Region of Murcia will bring “freedom, prosperity and security” to the autonomous community. “Today is a great day for the Region of Murcia; today we celebrate the victory of common sense”, said Antelo, in the framework of the debate.

López Miras himself has called the speeches given by the leaders of PSOE and Podemos-IU-AV “apocalyptic”, and has thanked VOX, especially Antelo for their “willingness and generosity” to reach a governance agreement of which the citizens “feel proud.”