The defender of lost causes has been telling everyone about the drama of the loquats for days. It’s not that he particularly likes them, but it bothers him that while yuzu and satsuma mandarins travel thousands of kilometers in their overpackaging, not a single loquat is sold. What injustice! At the market he was studying a box of Xeska brand loquats, magenta and fluorescent yellow, that looked like a box of jelly beans. To compensate for the strident colors, the fruit and vegetable producer A. Sanchis planted a “Premium quality”, five five-pointed stars, a drawing of a loquat with two leaves and another cut in half, showing the juicy pulp, with three bones that stick out from within. “This Mr. Sanchis no longer knows what to do to sell loquats,” says the defender of lost causes to his Chinchona friend. He even leaves a couple of leaves to give the impression of healthy fruit. What fruits are sold with leaves? Only tangerines, and not always, reach the market with those decorative leaves. Let it be seen that they have just taken them from the tree. It is the last resort: if this doesn’t work, goodbye medlars!

“You mean miserable,” says the Chinchona friend. Years ago, the defender of lost causes promoted a campaign in favor of loquats, which are different from loquats, niésporas, nésperas and sapotillos, but he could no longer find any tree of that species. “It doesn’t last long and on top of that it doesn’t have varieties. Do you know any variety of misperos?” “What about cherries?” “Wow, I know a lot about cherries! The strong red ones, the big soft ones, some that are red and juicy inside, the ones with yellow flesh, the ones that explode and stain a lot. And also plums: the yellow ones, the green ones, the ones that are red inside and out, the red ones that when you bite into them you see that they are yellow inside and you think: shit! A friend had a misperus tree. In that house no one liked them and they didn’t know how to catch them. I went, I caught them, but I didn’t catch them well. Because do you know that thing they have on top like a point that connects them to the branch? She turned it around and took them to me. I didn’t know that you have to cut it. Because if you take it and turn it like that, it will rot. They have to deal with the thing that connects. What do you call him?”

One of the cell phones on the table records the dialogue and sells the data to large companies, because it is a very smart cell phone. In a subway, the farmers who filter the agricultural information to feed the AI ​​– Miguelín Alfalfa, José de la Pelotilla and Roque Sansestabién, to whom they have promised a permanent job – do not understand the conversation and let it pass as it is. A few days later the AI ​​begins to act foolishly: Renfe’s computer system breaks down, Miss Margarita Trilla Rastrojo has three yoga classes with puppies canceled for no reason, and a pink Waymo robotaxi hits her against a pole. on Potrero Hill, in San Francisco.