* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Today I am not going to pose a visual challenge in El Reto de los Lectores de La Vanguardia, but rather a game of logic (and knowledge of the field, everything is said). The approach is as follows: Between these two photographs, which planting do you think has given more grain weight? Can you say why?

Do you already know the answer? Just in case, I’m going to give you a hint, a little help. The solution has to do with the law of gravity. Let’s see it.

The first photograph has been taken in Claravalls, in an irrigated area. Since this field has not suffered from drought, the grain has developed well and weighs. If you look at the picture, the stem can’t hold the weight and it bends.

On the contrary, the second photograph is taken in Altet, in a dry field without irrigation. Since it has barely rained, the grain is small. Lightweight. therefore the stem bears it

Now that we know the solution, I am going to make an observation: if one year, when you walk through the fields, you see all the ears curved downwards, it means that it has been a good, very good harvest.

Now, you know that the farmer always cries and with good reason. Let me explain, if the year is good, the carts (trailers) weigh, profit assured. But there is always a but. Because there is a lot of grain, the price goes down.

So, when there is a bad year, the farmer rubs his hands, because it is foreseeable that the price will rise. But, if there is no production, the grain does not weigh… In short, I have just told you the story of the milkmaid.

I hope you now understand why a farmer is never happy. Now, yes, a farmer prefers a good year. As much as prices drop. Everyone likes a productive year.