Letters to the Editor, June 9, 2024


Letters to the Editor, June 9, 2024

It’s quite difficult to take a faction or group of people seriously when they openly contradict themselves. The ‘woke’ crowd preaches tolerance and inclusivity, but they clearly don’t practice it. If your views, opinions or ideologies don’t align with theirs, they insist on ‘cancelling’ you. Does anyone else see the irony here?

Bonnie Crombie was saying how the government should have put ServiceOntario into mom and pop stores instead of Staples which is American. They wouldn’t have the kind of space needed for it. I went to Staples for my health card and it was well-run, spacious and had lots of seating. My original ServiceOntario was like it was in a mom and pop store and had one or two seats and people literally crammed into the small space and most of the lineup was outside the office. It was not a pleasant experience. I hope the government decides to keep it in Staples for a much more convenient experience.

If, as the Liberals claim, most Canadians end up with more money due to the carbon tax rebates, why doesn’t the government give us all a tax credit or deduction when we file our taxes? It would eliminate all the labour and administrative costs of implementing the rebates. The reasons are obvious. First, it is simply a useless public sector job creation program to continue to inflate the already bloated federal workforce. Second, it is another tax grab and income redistribution strategy as too many Canadians do not pay any income tax or file annual returns. Our politicians continue to focus on new and creative ways to tax us rather than the many major issues like crime, inflation, etc.

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