Message addressed to ClodEs recreation inspectors

Dear colleagues:

I am writing these lines to share with you my growing concern about the continuity of our jobs, due to the danger posed by events such as those of last week. When, two years ago, Pablo Casado said that in Catalonia teachers had received instructions not to let children who spoke Spanish go to the bathroom, all my fears were awakened. I confess that I was the author of that report, but when I heard it from Casado I realized that it was not credible enough. Luckily, the man who was then the leader of the Popular Party had his days numbered, so his revelations fell on deaf ears and could be immediately deactivated.

However, now it has been a former vice president of the government, the socialist Alfonso Guerra, who has once again gone overboard explaining our work as recreation inspectors to all of Spain. And this time he has revealed the official name of our job. Luckily, his statements the next day about visits to Sumar leader Yolanda Díaz’s hair salon helped call his sanity into question. But, in my opinion, there are already too many oversights that, when added together, can end up uncovering our mess.

It is true that the fact that Catalanophobia is transversal within Spanish politics, and that sometimes state secrets escape from a member of the PP and sometimes from one of the PSOE, helps to maintain our work. The two major Spanish parties will not want to oppose a group as large as ours.

But it is not easy to permanently deceive the public, who may suspect our real existence. If that were to happen, the falsity of our reports would become evident, because people know that Spanish is the dominant language during recess in Catalan schools, that no one persecutes Spanish, that linguistic immersion does not endanger learning. of the language of Cervantes and that no child suffers from the bladder for speaking in whatever language. If our reports for the ClodEs are biased, it is to please those who pay us our salary and maintain this sinecure.

Therefore, I propose writing a letter signed by all of us expressing this concern to the head of the ClodEs, so that he can alert the political class and these episodes do not occur again. They cannot endanger our children’s bread.



Member of the Corps of Recreation Inspectors of the State Sewers (ClodEs).