The head of production at the Gran Teatre del Liceu, Leticia Martín, has been named the new head of the Barcelona Grec Festival. The evaluation committee of the ICUB directing competition is committed to replacing Francesc Cadesús at the head of the Barcelona competition with the Granada production company, which joined the team of the Barcelona lyrical coliseum in 2015, from the Teatros del Canal.

The performing arts production company will take over as of September 1 after eight years that have passed since the appointment of the then director of the Mercat de les Flors. The evaluation commission considered that theirs “is the most suitable project of those presented, it contains a comprehensive view of the festival, in addition to being solid, viable and with specific knowledge of both the local, national and international sector.”

Leticia Martín Ruiz (Granada, 1978) has a degree in Art History and Music Sciences from the Complutense of Madrid, and also a master’s degree in cultural management. She has developed her professional career in different public and private institutions, including the SGAE Foundation, the Teatros del Canal (between June 2009 and September 2014 she was the director of performing arts production), the San Lorenzo International Music and Dance Festival from El Escorial and Editorial Tritó.

She has also practiced musical and artistic criticism, teaching and has been an editor of texts related to music and art for different publishers, institutions and record labels. Since 2014, she has been attached to the artistic direction of the Gran Teatro del Liceo, which she accompanies in the design of the theater’s season programming, and since 2019 she has also been the Production Director, with duties such as final responsibility for the execution of artistic programming and budget management.