La Vanguardia is preparing to celebrate its 142 years of history with a great party at the MNAC in Barcelona. The chosen date is the 18th of this month. A gala dinner and an awards ceremony created ad hoc for this commemoration will be the backbone of an event that is expected to be attended by a large representation of civil society convened by Javier Godó, Count of Godó and editor of La Vanguardia. This first edition was born with the intention of having an annual periodicity.

Since it hit the streets on February 1, 1881, the Grupo Godó newspaper has known how to adapt to all social changes, while always remaining faithful to the mandate of journalism and its readers. 142 years ago La Vanguardia was a newspaper the size of a page. Today it could be said that it is a content factory that can be read on paper and on any mobile device. The important thing today is not so much the support as the contents. And the brand, a guarantee of veracity.

Fulfilling this age being a successful project deserved to be celebrated. La Vanguardia could not organize this party for the 140th anniversary, a round number, because society was still under the impact of the covid pandemic. Then the head of the Godó Group published in January 2021 a large special supplement on paper (76 pages) and digital (with videos and interactives) in which it told how the news has been narrated in this almost century and a half, in addition to recounting the newspaper’s own story.

Next Monday the 18th will have the opportunity to celebrate a party for the 142 years of history. The oval room, one of the most emblematic spaces of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, will host the gala dinner, which will bring together some 600 guests, including representatives of politics, business, culture, science, sport or social entities. The gastronomic proposal has been configured by Le Chef.

The exceptionality of the event has led the newspaper to convene the Vanguardia Awards for the first time and which will be delivered during the evening. Seven categories have been created: the businessman of the year, the businesswoman of the year, innovation, young international talent, culture and the promotion of cities. There is a seventh category, In Memoriam, in homage to deceased famous people. The jury for these awards is made up of: Jordi Juan, Màrius Carol, Lola García, Pere Guardiola, Joana Bonet, Susanna Griso, Pilar García de la Granja, John Carlin and Gerard Guiu. The Vanguardia Awards were born with the desire to remain and become a reference for society. Hence, the intention of the newspaper is to give them an annual character.

The event is sponsored by Mapfre, Indra, Acciona, Audi, Renfe, Cellnex, Vueling and EY. The journalist Helena Garcia Melero will be the master of ceremonies, while the script is written by Ana Boadas.

Founded by Carlos and Bartolomé Godó, the newspaper has always belonged to the same family, which has allowed it to maintain the founding principles of rigor, independence and plurality. Javier Godó, third Count of Godó and fourth editor of this newspaper, has the merit of having led this newspaper over the last 40 years in the difficult transition from dictatorship to democracy and from the 20th to the 21st century.