La Segarra claims to be in “mourning” as a result of the approval in Parliament, on March 7, of the law to change the regional and vegerial designation of the municipalities of Biosca and Torà. In this way, the two municipalities will leave that region and will be able to join the neighboring region of Solsonès.

In an open letter, the president of the Segarra Regional Council, Francesc Lluch, assures that, although the process is legitimate, it is not good news for the region. He considers that if a popular consultation had been carried out to endorse the decision, the feeling would be somewhat different. Likewise, he regrets that as a Regional Council they have not had the opportunity to explain themselves to the residents of both municipalities, and sees the maneuver as a “political opportunity, made in a hurry and in a clumsy way.”

According to Lluch, the arguments for wanting to change the region by Torà and Biosca have more to do with economic resources, with an eye on the possible application of the Veguerias Law. In this case, it is a question of moving to the veguería of Central Catalonia, supposedly with a better budget than that of Lleida. In this sense, Lluch assures that the current differences that the different councils of Catalonia put in the hands of the municipalities are increasing, since, for example, the resources of the Barcelona Provincial Council multiply those of the Lleida Provincial Council by 10.

Lluch also points out that when territorial balance policies are claimed, they are also asking from La Segarra that mountain municipalities, such as Biosca, Torà and others in the region, have the same rights to access economic aid as municipalities that are from regions mountain, like those of Solsonès. For this reason, he warns that if these differences are not dealt with efficiently and effectively, it could happen that there are more and more first and second class counties, municipalities and inhabitants.

On the other hand, so that residents are not affected by the continuity of the many services provided by the Segarra Regional Council, Lluch asks the relevant administration to make an “orderly transfer” and not cause harm to nobody. That is why he proposes a three-way agreement with the municipalities of Biosca and Torà, the councils of La Segarra and Solsonès and the Generalitat.

Finally, Lluch says that the Biosca and Torà march “competes” the Segarra in many ways, since 7% of the population and an important part of the territory will be lost. In this sense, he recalls that in the 30s of the last century, with the Territorial Distribution Law of Catalonia, Segarra suffered a great reduction, with the annexation of several municipalities in Urgell, Conca de Barberà and Anoia.

However, says Lluch, for the time shared, accepting the democratic will of the government teams of both municipalities, he wishes them the best of luck.