More and more people are attracted to entrepreneurship. Among the advantages it offers are greater autonomy, independence and flexibility, and also the possibility of obtaining income higher than salaried work. Among the challenges, ignorance, uncertainty or lack of savings to launch their own initiative. Although in our country 41% of people express a desire to start a business, the truth is that – as confirmed by the latest study by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Spain for 2021-2022 – in practice, only 5.5% decide to really take the plunge.

The IEBS Digital School Radiografía Ecosistema Emprendedor 2023 Report indicates that 95.8% of those surveyed consider it essential to have knowledge about business management to start a project, while another 50.1% demand that the administrations generate measures to promote the entrepreneurial culture. Undoubtedly, a differential factor to feel safe when starting this new adventure is to have the advice of a professional who has gone through an experience similar to ours.

This is precisely the differential factor of the collaborative model proposed by the network of independent real estate consultants iad, in which all the people who join the project are accompanied by a coach. The one in charge of guiding them is always a real estate consultant who, at the time, made the decision to start his digital real estate business with iad and who, in addition to carrying out his professional activity, is currently developing his own team. The differential model of iad is based, in short, on combining real estate expertise with the possibilities that digitization and multilevel marketing allow. Thanks to MLM it is possible to combine real estate production with a second source of income based on the creation of your own commercial network.

This is the choice of professionals such as Noelia Da Silva, real estate consultant in the iad network in León. After studying Administration and Finance in her city, Noelia began working in an insurance brokerage. As she herself recounts, “there was a day when my head clicked. I felt that I was at a moment in my life in which I wanted to have something of my own, to start my own business from scratch”. Her friend Ángeles Ferrero, and who is her coach in her iad, told her about the model. After accompanying her to some real estate events, Noelia did not hesitate to jump headfirst. Today, she is satisfied with “having my own real estate business with iad, something that is one hundred percent mine and that I have created.”

Something similar happened to Fernando García, a real estate consultant in Madrid and its surroundings. His relationship with iad began in 2021. Before, he worked in a traditional real estate agency, with all that this usually entails: an imposed methodology and schedules, a lot of paperwork… During a visit to a property, he ran into Isabelle Nivoix, a real estate consultant at the red iad who soon became his coach. Discovering the values, transparency, the way of working of this model, which is always tight to the law, and multi-level marketing were decisive in encouraging him to create his own business. As he himself explains, “knowing that I am working for myself, investing my time in my business and my team, is invaluable”.

These are just two of the many testimonials from professionals who have chosen iad to take control of their lives. The advantages are obvious: cost reduction, work-life balance, flexible hours that the digital model allows, and also taking advantage of the enormous potential of undertaking under the umbrella of a multinational group present in 8 countries (France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Mexico and, soon, the United Kingdom and Florida) and which has more than 18,000 independent advisors worldwide.

Indeed, iad proposes a continuous development model with an initial support program with the coach. In addition, it has an online university with various contents (videos, questionnaires, files…) and 6 centers in Spain where courses and workshops are taught, ranging from the fundamentals of the profession to mastering the advanced phases of a real estate transaction. In addition, iad has an attractive commission plan, based on a 69% commission on sales made, income based on the production of the team that each iad agent has developed, and a 12% commission on recommendations.

Another key factor is the tools that it provides to achieve success in the objectives, such as personalized administrative support, the massive disclosure of properties in more than 120 real estate portals, its own online property estimator or agreements with partners in the sector at the service of future clients, in aspects such as financing or carrying out virtual visits. To find out first-hand all the necessary information on how to open a digital real estate business, all you have to do is sign up for one of the webinars organized by iad, whose dates can be found here.

To all of the above, we must add the Program that iad launched this spring to further facilitate entrepreneurship and boost the growth of the network’s members’ businesses. Said program consists of three bonus plans: The Starter Plan, with a bonus designed specifically for those who want to join the digital real estate network, lightening the financial burden in their first steps; the Production Plan, with a bonus that values ​​the personal production of each adviser in real estate brokerage; and Growth , a plan in which, through iad’s collaborative model, network advisors can earn an extra bonus based on the incremental recurrences of their team.

In short, iad proposes a democratizing formula to open an innovative and easy-to-follow digital real estate business, which allows you to start with the minimum investment and the maximum guarantees of success. As Ángeles Ferrero, Noelia’s coach and iad agent, explains, “when you’re convinced, when you feel like it, when you know you’re in the right place, the rest comes alone.”