“The only way for there to be a Catalan voice in Europe is the Junts list.” That will be one of the main demands of Junts per Catalunya in the European elections on June 9, in which former councilor and MEP Toni Comín will be number one. The formation presented this Tuesday how it plans the campaign and maintains the blue color already used by Carles Puigdemont in the Catalan elections on May 12.

“Catalonia does not have a seat in the European Council or the European Commission, these elections are the only way to have a voice in Europe and defend the interests of Catalonia before the European Union,” the campaign director remarked in a press conference. , Aleix Sarri, who is number three on the list headed by Comín.

Junts’ intention is for there to be “aesthetic and political continuity” with the approaches of the Catalan elections as well as the project that was articulated for the 2019 European elections. The motto is “to continue winning” and on the posters, in addition to Comín, Puigdemont, Sarri himself, the number two candidate, Neus Torbisco, the former delegate of the Government of the Generalitat in Brussels, Gorka Knörr, and the former deputy Mariona Illamola will appear.

“We will focus on the defense of Catalonia, we will not enter into absurd controversies,” said Sarri, who referred to the controversy between the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Argentine President, Javier Milei, as an attempt to “polarize and Spanishize” the European campaign.

As Sarri detailed, the training will emphasize the defense of the official status of Catalan in European institutions, the “importance of internationalizing” the “Catalan cause” and defending the interests of Catalonia, farmers and ranchers, and SMEs. and businessmen, from the fishing sector and those local entities that want to manage the European Next Generation funds instead of centralized management from Madrid.

After the pact between Esquerra Republicana and other State forces such as EH Bildu, the Galician Nationalist Bloc and Més per Mallorca, Junts claims that its candidacy is the only purely Catalan one.

The party will hold the central rally of its campaign in Brussels, two days after the Amnesty law is definitively approved in the Congress of Deputies. The opening will be in Barcelona, ​​but in the first days there will be events in different countries such as Switzerland, Slovenia, Belgium and Italy. The final stretch, starting on Sunday, June 2, the events will be in the south of France, just like those of the regional election campaign on May 12, although, unlike the Catalan contest, this time there will be various scenarios and the majority will not be centralized in Argelers. This time, Elna and Banyuls will have a relevant role, as well as El Pertús.