The president of Esquerra Republicana, Oriol Junqueras, has demanded the vote for his party in the general elections on July 23, warning that any vote for the PSC can serve to invest Alberto Núñez Feijóo and recalling the 2016 episode in which the Socialists allowed the investiture of Mariano Rajoy once they fired Pedro Sánchez from the general secretary of the PSOE.

In an interview on the Cafè d’Idees program on TVE 2 and Ràdio 4, Junqueras pointed out that the best guarantee for the PP not to preside over the Spanish government is to vote for the ERC and has assured that “any vote for the PSC is a wasted vote that can invest Feijóo”. The republican leader, in addition, has claimed his party as the only one that “has never agreed and will not” with the PP, alluding to the agreements that CiU reached with the popular in the past in the government of Spain and the Generalitat .

“The best favor that can be done to Pedro Sánchez is not to make it easier for his party to fight with the PP,” insisted the president of Esquerra, who, however, has justified the support given to the chief executive in achieving the dialogue table, to which, in his opinion, the Government and the PSOE “have been forced”, and in the availability for the citizens of “expansive budgets”.

Regarding Catalan politics, Junqueras has ruled out the unitary list for the 23-J elections that Junts proposes, arguing that “it is an old formula that is used to wear down the president of the Generalitat” and has argued that in a democracy pluralism is ” good” to defend the democratic front advocated by Pere Aragonès.

In this sense, the leader of the Republican ranks has opted for prioritizing agreements between pro-independence formations in municipal and supra-municipal spheres and for a “programmatic tipus agreement” for the general ones, while regretting that the Government of Aragonès He often finds himself very alone in the face of crises such as the drought or the Rodalies trains.

Regarding his role in Esquerra, Junqueras has rejected the fact that he considered resigning after losing some 300,000 votes in Catalonia and has claimed his leadership throughout his last years at the head of the Republicans, recalling that for years he has been the most highly valued leader in the polls: “I hope to be so in the future, at the service of my organization, of the country, I have done it before October 1, after, from prison and I will always continue to do so”.