In each town governed by socialists or post-convergence in alliance, ERC takes the shadow of suspicion of the pact in advance between the two for a walk in its campaign events. “They have many resources: the media, financial institutions that are always with them; They agree even before there are elections ”, Oriol Junqueras denounced this Tuesday. The accusation has been launched in a scenario that he considers ideal to do so: Vilafranca del Penedès, where CiU -later Junts- and the PSC have shared power for 40 years.

The president of ERC wants to undermine the options of the PSC when it comes to recovering the government in Vilafranca. It has also done so by valuing the Republicans’ commitment to independence and the right to decide: “How many discovered that the cause of independence was just and saw that in their spaces they were denied the right to vote and to decide the democratic future of his country; how many people had to leave the Socialist Party to be able to continue being truly socialists”

Esquerra has manipulated this Tuesday the label of “sociovergence” to wear down the image of a city council that from 1979 to 2009 ran the PSC, and then directed the CiU. “We need all the republican votes to win those who have always governed” and go “against the continuist government of the socio-vergence” said Carme Forcadell, former president of Parliament. And it is that a motion of censure in 2009 promoted by CiU, with the support of ERC and the CUP, ousted the PSC from the mayor’s office. Since then, Pere Regull has governed with the support for twelve years… of the PSC.

The Republicans managed to take second place in the 2019 elections, Pere Sàbat, ERC candidate for mayor of Vilafranca, is confident of giving the surprise.

Regull renounced the reelection and Aureli Ruiz replaces him in the ranks of Junts. In this change, Republicans see a sign of weakness.

Sàbat has asked the voters to give him “an opportunity” to deploy his municipal project. It is committed to erecting an emergency center next to the hospital, building a second library, doubling investment in housing policies to 2% of the budget, a university campus, a digital innovation hub, and new police stations. “What are these elections about? Whether we let those who have been dividing up the City Council for 40 years continue dividing it up, or whether we open a new stage to advance in the transformation that this city needs ”, she cried.