Monday, December 4, Flag Day of Andalusia. Today, the San Telmo Palace in Seville, headquarters of the presidency of the Junta de Andalucía, hosts the commemoration of that 4-D of 1977 when the Andalusian people took to the streets en masse to demand autonomy, and they do so with the leader of the Andalusian Executive, Juanma Moreno, demanding equality between Spaniards and the “unity” of the country.

He launched these same messages yesterday during his participation in the demonstration called by the Economy and Society Forum, a mobilization against the investiture agreements reached by the president of the nation, Pedro Sánchez, and with which, in the opinion of the Andalusian leader, provokes a Spain “at two speeds.”

The institutional event, in which the dancer Saras Baras participated, responsible for reciting the first praise of the Flag and who was the first illustrious Andalusian to receive a statuette of the head of Hercules, a mythical character present on the Community’s shield. Autonomous created by Blas Infante, has been dull due to the rain, so some scheduled events, such as the raising of the flag outside, have been postponed.

“The flag of Andalusia is the property and emblem of all Andalusians,” Moreno Bonilla commented at the institutional event, a symbol “that does not exclude anyone” and that is “above” any ideology. It represents, he said, “equality and solidarity”, “it does not seek to separate” but rather “build bridges and not build walls”. “Our flag beautifies the world”, he explained.

The president of the Board wanted to take a look back to give importance to “a historic day”, such as the 4D of 1977, making special mention of the young García Caparrós, who died as a result of a gunshot while participating in one of those mobilizations. In Malaga.

“Today, as then, as 46 years ago, Andalusia once again defends from the streets and institutions its place in a Spain of equals, solidarity and inclusive”, and “Andalusia once again demands that we speak with a single voice, its own, the only one that matters, that we are examples of unity, and that that firm and resounding voice defends our rights with all their consequences.

“May everyone’s legitimate ideas never be an obstacle for them,” Moreno claimed before emphasizing that “we want to build bridges, not build walls,” and vindicating the “Andalusian path of dialogue and consensus and moderation, which achieves agreements”.

The celebration was attended by the renowned Cádiz dancer Sara Baras, in charge of reciting the first praise of the Flag and who wanted to highlight the important cultural value of Andalusia by highlighting different figures, such as García Lorca, Paco de Lucía or the comparsista Martínez Ares, author of the pasodoble ‘It was a December 4th’ in which the historical events that are commemorated today are narrated.

“You are everything and you let us fly without letting go,” began her recital, which made a first stop in Lora, who she said “drawn us white sorrow”, to continue with the singer Camarón, also from San Fernando like her, of whom he has stated that “he scratched our insides”, to then proclaim that “there was no love more witchy than Falla’s”, before brandishing “Paco’s fingers”, in reference to Paco de Lucía, whom he has called ” my dear teacher”, and who have been followed by other illustrious Andalusians such as “the whirlwind of Lola”, “the brushes of Velázquez and Picasso”, “the guitar of Sanlúcar”, or to ask for “silence that Curro is in the albero”.

“This flag went south wanting to go north,” Saras proclaimed, recreating Alberti’s poem, while also listing teachers such as Manuela Carrasco or Matilde Coral, and colleagues such as Eva Yerbauena, to consider that “this flag is simple, it has an embroidered shield, ancient columns” and maintain that “she comes alone like a flying feather” and recognize “how you dig into me” and describe it as “song of an enthusiastic people.”

“Battered, they call you a rag when you are a coat with almost no fabric,” continued the dancer, who described Andalusia as “the sea that kisses our feet” and “the land where our eternal roots cling,” before assuring that “you are my feet.” , my hands” and recognize that “you are the dance that I have not yet done”, to then turn to flamenco to assign attributes to Andalusia, which is why he has mentioned palos such as “the soleá, the seguiriya and the bulería”, before conclude that “you are compás, whining and finishing, you are playing, singing and dancing.”

Juanma Moreno presented him with the first head of Hercules, a piece designed by Luciano Galán and Daniel Maldonado from the ‘The Exvotos’ workshop.

The sisters of the man from Malaga who was murdered 46 years ago when he was participating in one of these mobilizations to demand Andalusian autonomy, once again ask that Manuel José García Caparrós be recognized as a victim of terrorism. Today, after making a flower offering in honor of his brother, they have requested that the second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, receive them to “tell her and talk about what really happened” that day. “We have been demanding the same thing for 46 years,” they added.

For Purificación, Dolores and Paqui, today is not Flag Day. “The day of the Flag is the one carried by the Andalusians and the victim; today is the day of Manuel José García Caparrós, who was the one who gave his life for Andalusia, let him not forget”, because “we all carried the flags Andalusians that day”. “Today we pay tribute to the figure who gave his life, who was García Caparrós,” he insisted.

Meanwhile, Sumar registered this morning a non-legal proposal for the Congress of Deputies to recognize the death of Caparrós, a CC.OO union member. as a victim of terrorism.