This Sunday a new installment of La Roca, the magazine presented by Nuria Roca, returned to La Sexta, and on this occasion, the presenter became the unexpected protagonist of the confession of her husband, Juan del Val. And all, at the expense of the tattoos that the writer has on her body and that are dedicated to his family.

It seems that Del Val made the decision years ago to permanently capture something on her body that would remind the presenter with whom she has three children, a drawing that, far from regretting it as sometimes happens, she has confessed that she I would do it again. In fact, this very romantic confession has been greatly applauded by the rest of the colleagues.

The moment occurred while the collaborators were commenting on the following news: the Guinness record of a British man after tattooing his daughter’s name almost 700 times. Regarding this topic, it also came to light that Spain is the sixth country in the world with the most tattooed people.

“If we get a lot of tattoos, that means that we can also regret it a lot later,” added Nuria Roca. Something that was confirmed by her partner Sara Ramos, who pointed out that around 50% of Spaniards regretted it and eliminated the drawings made with ink on her body, especially those that contained the name of her ex-partners.

This is when Juan del Val made an important revelation: “I have two tattoos and I have to get tattoos that I am absolutely certain that I will not regret. “I have my three children, so I can’t regret it, and I have Nuria.” She has the presenter in the form of an initial, with the N, accompanied by the word “unconditional.”

However, if one day he were to separate from his wife, the writer is clear about what would happen to his tattoo. “I would leave her tattoo because she is part of my life and I would never regret having been with her; “If I have another partner, they will have to assume where my life is, and my life is Nuria.” This romantic confession drew applause from Ramos and a “how nice.”