Jorge Javier Vázquez is one of the best-known faces of Mediaset. The Catalan has captained programs as successful as Sálvame, Big Brother VIP or Survivors. Beyond his work, the presenter has never shied away from any thorny issue and he does not avoid any controversy either. In addition, he is known for his criticism of Vox’s postulates.

His opinions have been harshly criticized by some on social networks and have also caused him some problem with the chain, according to Jorge Javier in an interview with Lecturas. Specifically, the presenter says that he had a big fight with Paolo Vasile, an episode of which he does not have a very good memory: “I had a very bad time.”

It all came as a result of his famous “Save me is a program for reds and fags.” After that comment, the CEO of the chain stopped speaking to him “for a long time.” “A couple of months,” recalls the Catalan.

That distance between him and his boss coincided with the covid: “We were in a pandemic, he was living in Rome and he used to send us, to whom we got very good audiences, a message. She had a very fluid relationship with him and it stopped. I had a very bad time.” “An anguish that led her to write him an email to clarify what was happening,” she tells this medium.

In his interview with Lecturas, Jorge Javier Vázquez acknowledges that he understood Paolo Vasile’s reasons, but not his silence: “I hope it doesn’t happen again. If we have a disagreement again, you call me and tell me: ‘I don’t like this’. But don’t do it to me again.” That encounter could be the trigger for his departure from Mediaset.

He doesn’t regret what he said. It is “one of the phrases I feel most proud of”. “Although perhaps I should have said: ‘This program is made by reds and fags’ so as not to sound exclusive,” continues the presenter.

The Catalan came to consider his departure as a result of that clash, despite the fact that he was financially harmed. In his interview in Lecturas, Jorge Javier recalls that “I had just signed my famous contract and, for legal reasons, it was done with the format of three years plus two, because it cannot be done for five.”

“Five years with my guaranteed salary. I was going to give up a lot of money. I was willing to give up millions of euros because I didn’t feel wanted. I didn’t understand that Vasile punished me with silence. I thought I deserved another treatment and I said: ‘Until Here we have arrived.’ I don’t like being treated like a child,” he recalls.