Joaquín Sabina shoots an avalanche of headlines with parsimony and soft sarcasm. “What you call a public image I call a caricature, there is a caricature of a drunken night owl who in some part of my life seemed a bit like reality, now it no longer resembles anything. I am 73 years old and at the time of the cartoon I never thought of reaching 50, I’m a survivor,” he spits. And he says that his new tour “is called Against All Odds, so I don’t even know if it’s going to be the last, of course if it’s not the last it’s going to be the penultimate, but I’m not going to announce anything and I’m going to enjoy it” . And he laughs: “This documentary fulfills an erotic fantasy that I’ve always had, I had never done a threesome.”

The documentary is Feeling it a lot and in it his friend Fernando León de Aranoa has followed him at all kinds of moments for more than a decade to create a vivid portrait that this Thursday reaches 192 cinema screens with a soundtrack composed by Sabina together to Leiva.

“The reception that the documentary is already having is absolutely moving, I did not expect this at all, maybe Fernando, who is a master of celluloid, yes,” Sabina confesses before a room packed with journalists, and tells that one of the first ones she saw Feeling very sorry, he went “Bardem and said that you wanted to be my friend, and my wife, who is not very given to making compliments, especially not me, has told me: ‘You’ve taken your soul out’.”

And he admits that the documentary has been an engine for him after the fall and the stoppage of the pandemic. “I had no plans during the covid years, I was quite mute in the artistic sense, but as a result of Fernando’s documentary I have warmed up and Leiva has too, to the point of having songs for an album and having encouraged myself to go on vacation. tour”. An album that, he explains, could have been for Christmas “but we have decided not to, take things easy. There is material, I will record three or four songs before the tour and then or during we will release the complete album, and they are all with Leiva , or at least the prettiest ones”, she smiles.

Asked about Atleti, he answers that “I am not and have never been a great soccer fan, I am from Atleti out of class consciousness, I liked the people from the neighborhood better, and now I see the team like everyone else, badly”. And when the turn of the political situation comes, he does not shut up: “I have been very angry with the 21st century for a long time because I saw that everything that happened, Trump, Putin, were ugly things. Even the language of the people through the Social networks were deteriorating a lot, and language matters a lot to me. The other day, very pessimistic, I began to think about what good things had been achieved in the 21st century, and it occurred to me that a vaccine against the virus had soon been found. covid. The truth is that all the revolutions of the 20th century failed miserably, and the only ones that advance are feminism and lgtb I don’t know what”.

“The failure of communism has been fierce, the drift of some Latin American left seems fierce to me, what is happening is very sad. There have been more good things, of course, Lula has beaten Bolsonaro and an extraordinary hero has appeared called Zelenski And Morante de la Puebla has fought a hundred bullfights,” he laughs. And he assures that he is moved by “beauty in general and especially in the arts, music and poetry above all things, and I like the solidarity of the people. They have done a lot to put an end to it, but they do not succeed”.

In this sense, Fernando León concludes that in Feeling it a lot he has tried to make Sabina “resemble how I perceive her, her sense of humor, avoiding solemnity at any cost, having cockiness and a form of beauty that is in her songs and everything around him. The goal was to make the movie look like the person.”