Former ERC deputy Joan Capdevila (Martorell, July 13, 1965) will be the new Government delegate in Madrid, as La Vanguardia has learned. The position of highest representative of the Generalitat in Madrid had been vacant since mid-July, when Ester Capella stopped holding it to replace Juli Fèrnandez at the head of the Department of Territory. Pere Aragonès postponed the appointment of a delegate due to the proximity of the general elections on July 23.

The Government plans to approve his appointment at the regular meeting of the Executive Council to be held next Tuesday. It will be on September 14, the day on which the Catalan Executive will commemorate the Diada in Madrid, when Capdevila will star in his long post in an act in which he will be accompanied by the Minister of the Presidency, Laura Vilagrà.

Capdevila has served as an independent deputy in the ranks of the Republicans since he was elected in 2015. After the last elections, in which Esquerra went from having thirteen parliamentarians to seven, he was left out. Capdevila was fifth on a list for Barcelona of which the first four entered Congress: Gabriel Rufián, Teresa Jordà, Francesc-Marc Álvaro and Pilar Vallugera.

With a degree in Veterinary Medicine, in his last legislature in Congress he assumed the presidency of the Industry, Commerce and Tourism Commission, and was spokesman for the Commission for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge and the Commission for Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.

The new government delegate in Madrid was a member of the Unió Democrática de Catalunya (UDC). He left the party in 2009 due to disagreements with the party’s president, Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida.