Israel raised the alert level this Saturday and issued a travel warning so that its citizens do not go to Egypt, Jordan or Morocco due to the risk that they will be the target of attacks in the middle of the war with the Palestinian Islamist militias in Gaza.

In a joint statement from the National Security Council, the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israelis in these countries are also asked to leave them “as soon as possible.”

“Due to the continuation of the war, in recent days another significant upsurge in protests against Israel has been detected in several countries, especially in the Arab countries of the Middle East, along with signs of hostility and violence against Israeli and Jewish symbols” , indicates the statement.

“The rhetoric of global jihad has become more extreme, requiring harm to Israelis and Jews around the world,” he adds.

Accordingly, the National Security Council has raised the travel alert for Egypt, including the Sinai, and Jordan, to level 4 of a maximum of 5; which implies the recommendation not to travel and to leave immediately for those who are already there.

The travel alert for Morocco has been raised to level 3, with the recommendation to avoid any non-essential travel to the country. All three countries, particularly the Egyptian Sinai, are common holiday destinations for Israelis.

Israeli authorities asked Israelis to pay attention to the changes in these guidelines and avoid traveling, until further notice, to other countries in the region for which a travel alert has also been issued, including Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

There are also alerts for Muslim countries, including Malaysia, Bangladesh and Indonesia; while the statement advises against traveling to the Maldives, although the alert has not yet been raised for the archipelago.

In general, in all these countries, demonstrations of support for the Palestinian people have been registered in recent days, in the midst of the war between Israel and the Islamist militias of Gaza, which in some cases have become very violent, like yesterday in Cairo.