* The authors are part of the community of La Vanguardia readers

Puigmal and Olla de Núria already have a more autumnal and wintery appearance than in past days, when it seemed that the snow was not going to arrive. Have you done it to stay?… In the Photos of La Vanguardia Readers we can appreciate the new white mountain landscape from Campdevànol (Ripollès) and Vic (Osona).

In these images we see the fog of the Olla de Núria with snow, today, from Vic. Early in the morning there were low clouds and the Pyrenees could not be seen, little by little the high fog and low clouds were dissolving and it was possible see the Olla de Núria in the middle.

Finestrelles, Pic d’Eina, Noufonts and Noucreus are some of the peaks that surround the Núria valley. A race with the number of the Olla de Núria is held annually.

In these images we see snow-covered Puigmal and Olla de Núria from Campdevànol this morning.

In the Olla de Núria, where we can make a very complete circular tour connecting all the peaks. The route leaves the sanctuary of Núria to ascend first to Puigmal (2,913 m), from where, following clockwise, the peaks of Segre (2,843 m), Finestrelles (2,828 m), Eina (2,789 m), are then crowned. Noufonts (2,861 m), Noucreus (2,799 m), Fossa del Gegant (2,808 m), Fontnegra (2,728 m) and Àliga (2,422 m), from where you descend again to the sanctuary.

El Puigmal, in Alta Cerdanya, is the second highest mountain in the province of Girona, with 2914 meters, and is located on the border between Spain and France.