The Catholic Church – is there another? – has to decide whether it is for or against the environment. So that my readers in the curia understand me: you cannot be at mass and ringing.

Does the Church want it to rain or not to rain? Are we facing a train crash between the bishop of Solsona –not to be confused with the one of the frightened one– and the Clarisas nuns, so empathetic to them?

As an anticlerical Catholic, I would like the diocese of Calahorra to speak with its contrasted authority.

On the one hand, the Bishop of Solsona, Francesc Conesa, will officiate a mass this Sunday at 12 noon at the request of the peasants of the demarcation, who, not happy, will later walk in a pilgrimage a carving of the Mare de Déu dels Torrents instead of go to have vermouth and speak ill of the mayor.

–Virgin, give us rain!

The events will be perpetrated in the Torrents sanctuary, the scene in the past of great weather comebacks.

On the other hand, May looms, a matchmaking month, and many engaged couples offer a dozen eggs – even from captive chickens – to the Clarisas nuns, in order to guarantee dryness on the day of their wedding ceremony. I say that the nuns schedule the date, gobble up the eggs and sleep so wide, without being aware that they are contributing to killing the planet.

I hope that the procession on Sunday is a success, the assistants carry umbrellas -in order to demonstrate that they have everything with them- and the rain falls in abundance from the sky to the bewilderment of the men and women of the weather, erotic myths of the audiovisual panorama .

We must recognize the audacity of the Bishop of Solsona because, if the drought persists, he will be disavowed before God, the Mare de Deu dels Torrents and the parishioners. But, what if the rain falls in torrents? Shouldering through the streets!

The Poor Clare nuns have it worse, accustomed to praying for the sun to shine and for the couple to renounce the right to compensation if the day passes through water. And this drought has only just begun…