The first secretary and candidate of the PSC, Salvador Illa, has revealed this Tuesday night, in the debate on TV3, that if he leaves it to the president of the Generalitat, he will choose the mayor of Santa Coloma de Gramanet, Núria Parlon, as councilor of Interior. “It has been excellent in terms of security policies”, remarked Illa.

Since the last PSC congress, Parlon has been the spokesperson for the Catalan socialists. Likewise, Illa has pointed out that he will appoint Mossos d’Esquadra Major Josep Lluís Trapero as director general of the police, instead of Pere Ferrer, who has held that position for years and with different governments, since 2019. “I want to professionalize management in Catalonia,” justified the PSC candidate, who added that Trapero “is an example of a public servant.”

The current head of the Interior, Joan Ignasi Elena, was quick to react to Illa’s announcement. “Lucky that the PSC did not want to politicize the Mossos,” the councilor said ironically. “All the support to the 18,600 agents of the Mossos d’Esquadra who will continue to work with independence and professionalism,” he added.

Trapero was restored to his position, as head of the Mossos d’Esquadra, in 2020, after being acquitted in the case related to the process in which he was tried at the National Court. The councilor who was then in charge of the Department of the Interior was Miquel Sàmper and the president of the Catalan executive was Quim Torra.

However, in December 2021, a year later, Trapero was dismissed and Josep Maria Estela was put in charge of the Generalitat police, who only lasted a few months in office.