When a candidate as vulnerable as Joan Laporta wins a street election, the room for criticism of his mandate is very limited. A couple of years ago, the members of FC Barcelona could choose between two antagonistic models of the presidency. They opted for illusion, a hegemonic value in the 21st century, very childish and narcotic because it leads you, individually or collectively, to lose sight of the world. Nobody will be able to say, two years later, that Joan Laporta deceived him. Another thing is that some have discovered that illusions are the door to disappointment.
Joan Laporta has three capital virtues: he embraces as the best in Madrid embrace, he knows how to play the precise keys of Catalonia and he embodies the archetype of the gulf friend who makes himself forgive everything.
And it should be remembered that he had a snack on a solvent candidate, but Lutheran and without punch, VÃctor Font, whose kindness led him not to attack his rival’s weak flanks – something legitimate given that he had a presidential past. Joan Laporta, on the other hand, had no qualms about ridiculing him in the TV3 electoral debate. To learn…
Installed in office, the president of FC Barcelona has enjoyed and enjoys diplomatic immunity. Archetype of populist leader, Laporta has the peace of mind –rarely achieved by any Barça president– that whatever he does, whatever he decides, whatever he says, no one will evict him from the box. Now they can leave the ship, significantly, all those who endorsed him in the campaign -see the early fright of Jaume Giró-, because being a friend of his friends he has no problems for spare parts. He has acquired that immunity that Donald Trump bragged about when he said that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and nothing would happen. In this case, the analogy would be somewhat less violent and more our own: when the situation hit, Laporta could urinate from the box into the void during a game and still arouse revelry, laughter and the occasional applause.
There is only one Elefant Blau and Joan Laporta capitalized on it. You can sleep easy because if no one stood in your electoral path two years ago, even less will now. He would say that it is an unprecedented event in the history of FC Barcelona, ??so marked by brawls, personality traits and famous forwards (Llaudet, Montal, Baret, Núñez and Gaspart). Joan Laporta presides over FC Barcelona without a dose of opposition. No one. or nothing. Dead calm. Being his worst enemy, he has reached the desideratum: preside, manage, sign and spend, without anyone coughing on him.
There is no environment, no opposition or civil society interested in Barça. Laporta or the great resignation.