The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, and that of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, have prevented the summit of heads of state or government of the European Union meeting in Granada from including an agreement on immigration policy in their joint declaration.

The meeting closed with a text from the 27 that excludes this issue, as requested by the Spanish presidency. The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, has released his own statement which includes the part of the text that should appear in the joint text.

This document states that “migration is a European challenge that requires a European response. Irregular migration needs to be addressed immediately and decisively. “We will not allow smugglers to decide who enters the European Union.”

“We will continue to effectively and quickly implement all our decisions. We will pursue a comprehensive approach to migration that combines greater external action, with comprehensive, mutually beneficial partnerships with countries of origin and transit,” the text continues.

The agreement that has not achieved unity also committed to addressing “the root causes of migration, opportunities for legal migration, more effective protection of the EU’s external borders, a resolute fight against organized crime, trafficking and trafficking in human beings, the instrumentalization of migration as a hybrid threat, the intensification of returns and internal aspects, in accordance with international law, the principles and values ??of the EU and the protection of fundamental rights.

After vetoing the joint text, Orbán has criticized that the European Union has “violated” and “forced” Hungary and Poland to accept the recent agreements on the migration and asylum pact, since they were approved without his approval and are now They must negotiate with the European Parliament, the EU co-legislator together with the Member States, to achieve a definitive agreement on the immigration legislative package so that it is adopted and can come into force.

Morawiecki, for his part, has declared that he also “strongly” opposes the agreement reached this week in Brussels for the distribution of migrants in times of crisis, which he judges to be a “dictation” of the European Commission and Germany.