* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

The Sociedad Alianza del Pueblo Nuevo was born on September 19, 1869, with the purpose of promoting cultural, recreational and welfare activities among the residents of this neighborhood of Barcelona.

This need for meetings forced the construction of a building that, apart from having offices to develop these needs, had a room where the festive part could be carried out in which the cultural events and theatrical performances performed by the members themselves on holidays would be held. .

The first location with a theater hall was inaugurated in 1878, at 20 Wad-Ras Street, later with the progression of the associates, in 1919, a new building was built at 12 Rambla de Pueblo Nuevo.

In the new building, a new assembly hall was built for holding meetings and events of the society. On weekends, theatrical performances and zarzuelas were held by the society’s artistic cast or by amateur companies that rented the room.

The expenses incurred in maintaining the premises, especially the theater, made the society need to look for other income. The solution came in converting the assembly hall into a cinematograph, something that was becoming fashionable at that time.

On Friday, June 20, 1919, La Vanguardia, on page 15, announced the opening of a competition to award the premises to the best offer, whose presentation would be closed on July 3.

The first film screenings were programmed by the Cinaes Company, which in January 1927 received the annual permit for the opening of the season for having all the services in perfect condition.

However, in December 1927, she was fined by the Civil Governor with 250 pesetas for not having the mandatory emergency lighting on, in case a blackout occurred in the electrical service.

Later, the cinema was directed by two entrepreneurs who marked a booming era of cinema in our city: Antonio Solé Serra and Francesc Xicota Cabré.

Next, Empresa Alianza, S. L. was founded, which would bring its programming to the Capitol, Bosque and Metropol cinemas. The company launched “Día Fémina”, which consisted of giving the ladies who attended the sessions a 50% bonus on the entrance fee on Fridays.

On Sunday, March 3, 1929, organized by the Pueblo Nuevo Patriotic Union committee, a public meeting of patriotic affirmation was held at eleven in the morning.

In April 1933, it received a request from the Theater Board, together with the Comedia, Principal de Gracia, Smart, Delicias, Salón Cataluña, Ideal Rivoli, and Kursaal cinemas. Recreo Martinense, Emporium and Recreo, to prepare and present the certificates corresponding to the solution of the anomalies found in the premises.

In February 1934, he again received a request from the Theater Board, together with the Gran Teatro Liceo, to present a certificate from the Industrial Headquarters, stating that the electrical installation was in perfect condition.

At the beginning of 1935, the Capitol distribution company was created, formed by Antoni Soler, Miquel Coll and the Xicota brothers, which although they presented it on Friday, April 26, 1935, it was not until the next day that the Alianza cinema became part of its programming along with the Capitol, Excelsior, Condal and Walkyria cinemas.

In La Alianza, Viva Villa! was programmed. and Tarzan and his companion. On Monday, May 20, a month later, he stopped belonging to the new circuit.

With the arrival of the Civil War, the cinema was collectivized by the CNT/FAI, opening again. On October 9, 1936, with the screening of Evening Opera, Wooden Crosses, The People in Arms no. 4, Philanthropist Ball and Drawings. It was the location chosen to give rallies and information about the conflict.

Due to requests from public and private entities in the Undersecretariat of the Presidency asking for the creation of a Regular Popular Army with a single command, several courses were given at its premises by the Libertarlas Youth of Antorcha and Pueblo Nuevo.

The tactical classes were held on Wednesday, March 10, 1937, with the help of the war documentaries: Madrid Tomb of Fascism, The Iron Column towards Teruel and Red Wings over Teruel. The practical instruction for the preparation of the volunteers was carried out on the Jupiter soccer field.

On Wednesday, February 1, 1939, after the liberation of Barcelona, ​​the office of the Head of District X, José Vilardell Puig, was installed in the Alianza cinema.

Subsequently, the doors of the cinema opened with scheduled sessions from Monday to Wednesday with old reruns and lower quality films and from Thursday to Sunday re-released films.

Later, it made inroads into theater programming, presenting Madre Paz on its tour of Catalonia on December 4, 1945. It closed its doors as a cinema on May 5, 1963. Later, theatrical performances were held again.

On November 15, 1967, it was concluded that the Teatro Cine La Alianza would from that moment bring together the theatrical performances of the independent groups within the Off-Barcelona Operation.

In March 1968 he returned to presenting theater performances on weekends by the Bambalinas Theater Group representing Andorra, by Max Frisen.

In 1974, when Joan Manel Serrat’s Spanish television ban was lifted, he performed a concert that was recorded live for the program A Su Aire.

In 1994 the Society was awarded the Cross of Sant Jordi by the Generalitat of Catalonia.

On February 28, 2009, the final phase to select the singer participating in the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest was held at the current Casino l’Aliança del Poblenou or simply l’Aliança, which went to the singer Soraya with the song “ The night is for me. It so happens that the song that came in second place, Moon Lover, sung by Melody, also obtained the same votes.