Experts are aware that sex is one of the thorniest issues when it comes to obtaining information about people. To begin with, many are reluctant to provide details on this issue. On other occasions, the subjects directly interrogated lie. Here is one of the main drawbacks that professionals in the technology industry focused on this activity must overcome.

It is well known that dating sites such as Tinder, or OKCupid use big data to form couples, or, at least, to promote meetings that are satisfactory for all parties. Over time, his methods have become more sophisticated to the point that some of his innovations have ended up being applied in other sectors, both distant – gambling – and close – sex.

Surveys paid for by condom brands show results that have nothing to do with actual sales of these products. Thus, citizens affirm that they use this prophylactic measure in a proportion that exceeds the amount that consumers actually buy. What cannot be deduced from these studies is whether more unsafe sex is being practiced or the number of relationships is being exaggerated.

In any case, the information that is handled in search engines like Google can initiate which is the correct answer: the second. That is, the management of large volumes of data reveals that people have less sex than they would like. Or what he dares to admit. The starting point is that Internet users go to Google when they have a problem and do not want to discuss it with other people.

However, there are also cases that can be formulated positively. The leading medical application on iTunes is Ovia, a service that uses material from various sources so that women can follow their cycles in order to conceive their children. With this app, an interactive map of the United States has been built that shows in which areas there are more relationships for reproductive purposes.

The digital popularizer Bernard Marr, by the way, clarifies that the territory that stands out in this regard is Idaho, with an average of seven days a month dedicated to this objective. In terms of sex outside of long-term couples, Good2Go offers a questionnaire to find out if a person is drunk or not before having sex, if she openly consents to it, etc. A consent that, of course, can be revoked at any time.