These are new times in which the ways of developing and transmitting knowledge are very different from those we knew a few years ago. Adapting to the successive changes in our society and finding new ways to transfer these changes and the most in-demand skills is, to say the least, obligatory. A new digital ecosystem has emerged and you have to be part of it.

Social networks, mobile applications and multiple other elements play a key role in the dissemination of knowledge. Content creators, also called influencers, have acquired special power, who manage to connect brands with large masses and structure captivating stories. This has made them the objective of many entities that, thanks to these profiles, can reach large market shares, reaching their desired audience in a more organic and special way, and creating an environment in which listening to the audience is more propitious. So much so that, with their influence, the new agents have ended up generating what is known as the “creator economy”, an economic ecosystem where the basis of monetization is the generation of content.

Carving out a niche in this digital universe has become an imperative need for anyone who wants to address the general public and, in this context, companies, government organizations and even educational institutions have joined the race to capture the attention of the millions of users who surf the Internet and make use of new technologies.

Nuclio Digital School does not want to be less and, if it was already at the forefront of digital education thanks to the new tools and opportunities it uses to train future professionals in the technology sector, it has now taken another giant step with “Nuclio Starter Kit”, a free platform where you can discover the bases of the tech sector and the latest digital trends.

Through a set of ebooks on the different and most requested digital disciplines, such as Data Science, UX/UI design, blockchain and crypto technology, product management, digital marketing and digital human resources, the school wants expand the benefits of digitalization and provide everyone who wants the technological talent required for the present and future of companies. To do this, it has had experts in different areas such as Ricardo Cavolo, Judit Salvadó or Andreina de Rufino.

The platform is also a perfect opportunity to stay at the forefront of the digital sector, constantly renewing knowledge thanks to its unique and free content, in an entertaining and educational format.

The streamlining and specialization of training processes, as well as the special attention to the constant dynamics of change in the digital sector, have been the axes that have constituted Nuclio Digital School and that have served as lighthouses with which to navigate the broad digital ecosystem. in which the school continues to lay its foundations. On a new occasion, with “Nuclio Starter Kit”.