* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

I have captured this series of images for La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos on Calafell beach, learning about dog carpe diem.

And sitting with a dog to watch the sunrise or sunset on the beach is like returning to Eden, where doing nothing is not boring… it’s peace.

At the time the sun rises, many people are still asleep or others are already getting ready to leave on their way to work.

But there are people who at that time are healing, recharging their batteries, filling themselves with energy. They do it by looking at the sun, thanks to a technique called sungazing.

Indeed, they practice sungazing or the technique of looking at the sun to heal body and mind. The discovery of the sun as a source of energy and well-being is not exactly new.

The cult of the sun comes from afar and has already been practiced by all civilizations and religions in one form or another throughout history.

In fact, ancient Hindus called sungazing for therapeutic purposes Surya Namaskar, while the Egyptians and Americans called it heliotherapy and the Europeans called it Apollo Therapy.