the Horror-word of the Corona-crisis Triage:. Physicians must engage in Elite.

Who is helping whom? In Portugal, it is already a reality. The health system is on the ground, too few resources, too many of the Sick.

At the entrance of Portugal’s largest hospital, the Hospital de Santa Maria in Lisbon, is a yellow tent. On it in large letters “Triagem” (German: Triage). The car comes to a hospital, he’s here first. Doctors check the condition of the patient. Who is not in any life-threatening condition, the same will be rejected.

Triage in Portugal! The British and the Christmas debt to Corona Explosion? 03:21 source: IMAGE TeilenTwitternper Mail

Last Friday, had formed a queue of more than 20 ambulance in front of the Corona ward of the hospital. There was simply no place for the patients. In Portugal, only SEVEN were not as intensive care beds for Corona patients.

The situation is dramatic. The 7-day incidence (number of infections per 100 000 inhabitants) is situated about 800. World Record. The country is in Total Lockdown.