The Clara Campal HM CIOCC Barcelona Comprehensive Cancer Center, located at the HM Nou Delfos Hospital, has established itself as one of the main cancer diagnosis and treatment centers. Five years after its opening, the different teams of professionals address all types of tumors. Gynecological and breast, digestive, pulmonary and genitourinary are the ones that accumulate the greatest number of cases.

Since its inception, HM CIOCC Barcelona, ??directed by Dr. Joan Albanell, has placed special focus on addressing breast cancer and concentrating a team of reference professionals in each of the prevalent tumors, such as digestive, lung, genito-urinary, gynecological, and blood. Breast cancer is the one with the highest incidence among women, but they are also affected by tumors in the cervix or body of the uterus or in the ovary. In order to strengthen the approach to these pathologies, HM CIOCC Barcelona has the support of a new Gynecology team from the HM Nou Delfos Hospital, which joins the existing large teams.

One of Dr. Albanell’s priorities has been to advance systemic treatments for these tumors. Thus, today, the individualization of therapy based on the biological characteristics of each tumor and each patient is key when it comes to reversing the disease. In this sense, the program of therapeutic targets, including liquid biopsy, determines biological changes and helps, with this information, to adapt treatments specifically directed to each patient and incorporate immunotherapy.

Advances in precision oncology go hand in hand with attention to quality of life and emotional aspects. Along these lines, they offer psycho-oncological care thanks to an agreement with the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). Furthermore, in the case of patients who undergo a mastectomy for breast cancer, the physical and psychological impact of which can be very important, the possibility of carrying out their reconstruction on the same operating room table is offered through an autotransplantation of tissue extracted from the belly area thanks to the joint work of gynecologists and specialists in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.

Throughout these years, Neuro-oncology has become one of the most outstanding specialties of HM CIOCC Barcelona. Its specialists, of international reference, collaborate closely with those of the HM CINAC Barcelona Comprehensive Neuroscience Center, directed by Dr. Cristóbal Perla, with the aim of treating brain tumors seeking the maximum benefit-risk balance and trying to achieve a cure for the disease. pathology, that is, the total removal of the tumor without leaving sequelae to the patient.

To this end, the advanced technology with which the Neurosciences operating room is equipped is of great help, since it has a surgical microscope with special fluorescence filters that facilitates the location and resection of intracranial tumors. This, added to the neuronavigator, which functions as an intracranial GPS, intraoperative CT, ultrasonic aspirator and intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring, means that less invasive surgeries are achieved with great precision and safety.

HM CIOCC Barcelona is characterized by having teams of highly specialized professionals who offer patients personalized, comprehensive and multidisciplinary care. In this sense, the networking carried out with the specialists from the Madrid, Galicia and Malaga offices increases the therapeutic possibilities, since the sharing of medical records allows for the sharing of knowledge and experience, providing greater benefit to the patient.

In fact, HM CIOCC is a leader in Spain for having the Oncology Hyper-Early Diagnosis and Prevention Unit, the first of its kind in Europe, which has expert laboratory and clinical professionals trained to make the treatment available to healthy and asymptomatic people. possibility of being diagnosed with a tumor process at an early stage. In this way, the probability of cure for a specific person is raised to 90%, compared to the 60% achieved with the diagnostic means that have been applied to date. HM CIOCC has tests in its laboratory to detect colon, breast, lung, prostate, bladder, thyroid and leukemia cancer. Likewise, a truly revolutionary test has been incorporated, through which practically any tumor can be detected through a single blood test.

Research is another of the areas that characterize HM CIOCC Barcelona. Since 2022, the START Phase I Oncology Clinical Trials Unit allows the development of new oncological therapies based on therapies in the investigational phase that are offered to those patients for whom standard treatment is not effective or stops working. In this way, patients can access clinical trials with innovative therapies. The activity of HM CIOCC Barcelona has contributed to the fact that, currently, HM Nou Delfos is one of the most prominent private hospitals in the ‘Healthcare Reputation Monitor’ ranking prepared by Merco.