
Hezbollah, a powerful group based in Lebanon, has been involved in ongoing conflicts with Israel and has recently expanded its arsenal with new weapons, according to leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. While the specifics of these new weapons were not disclosed, Nasrallah mentioned that they would become evident in the field.

Hezbollah’s military strength is supported by a significant arsenal of over 150,000 missiles and rockets of various types and ranges, as reported by the US Central Intelligence Agency. These weapons include unguided rockets that can target all areas of Israel, as well as precision missiles, drones, and anti-tank, anti-aircraft, and anti-ship missiles. Iran serves as Hezbollah’s main supporter and weapons supplier, with many of the group’s weapons being of Iranian, Russian, or Chinese origin.

In addition to its missile capabilities, Hezbollah boasts a considerable fighting force. While Nasrallah claimed in 2021 that the group had 100,000 fighters, the CIA World Factbook estimated in 2022 that there were around 45,000 fighters, split between full-time and reserve personnel.

During the 2006 war with Israel, Hezbollah extensively used guided anti-tank missiles, including the Russian-made Kornet and the Iranian-made “al-Mas” missile. The group has also demonstrated proficiency in anti-aircraft weaponry, shooting down Israeli drones with surface-to-air missiles and even engaging Israeli warplanes.

Hezbollah’s use of drones has evolved over time, with the group employing explosive drones for various purposes, including distraction and targeted attacks. Recently, Hezbollah has introduced drones that are capable of dropping bombs and returning to Lebanon after completing their mission.

In terms of land-attack capabilities, Hezbollah’s arsenal includes a mix of unguided rockets and precision missiles. While unguided rockets were predominant in the 2006 conflict, the group has since upgraded its arsenal with precision guidance systems, allowing for more targeted strikes. Iranian rockets like Raad, Fajr, and Zilzal, as well as locally-produced models like Ayoub and Mersad, are part of Hezbollah’s inventory.

Hezbollah’s anti-ship capabilities were demonstrated in 2006 when it targeted an Israeli warship with anti-ship missiles. The group is believed to possess Russian-made Yakhont anti-ship missiles with a range of 300 km, although this has not been officially confirmed.

Overall, Hezbollah’s arsenal showcases a diverse range of weapons and capabilities, making it a formidable force in the region. As tensions continue to simmer between Hezbollah and Israel, the evolution of Hezbollah’s weaponry underscores the ongoing arms race and military dynamics in the Middle East.