As a child she was as much of a tom boy as membership in her older brother’s gang required. He played football seriously and well, in fact he became part of the official team of an area of ??Sweden. It was her travels as a model that kept her away from the ball, although – who could have guessed at that moment – football would become a very important part of her life again. She did not play again, but she married one of the best-known soccer players in the world, Luís Figo. And today she tells me that yes, she understands plays and enjoys analyzing games.

We are so dull when it comes to imagining that we had never thought that in the conversations of this couple that from the outside seems perfect, the games could be commented on with the tone of two professionals. The other passion that she abandoned for modeling work was the one she felt for horses. But again her life has allowed her to return to it and, lately, at 47 years old, she has won several important awards in the dressage category.

Although he has been living in Madrid for more than 15 years, we Spaniards continue to write and read his name wrong. “Jelen Suedin,” we say, and we write Helen Swedin. Actually Helene is pronounced like Elena without the a, and Svedin as it is written. Nothing to see.

What led you to the practice of horse riding?

I started little by little, it is something that I have been passionate about since I was very little. It was very difficult for my parents to let me go to a stable, to help take care of them, and I don’t think I got them to sign me up for classes until I was 10 years old. From then on all my summer camps were horse riding. It has been something progressive: from classes I went to walks around Spain and then to competing. I think it’s something the horse is asking of you.

Why this girlish attraction?

There is no reason why, it is something that the horse transmits to you, difficult to explain. It is a very sensitive animal, very fearful, very noble. To get his trust you have to have a lot of patience, and when he finally gives it to you, it makes you feel something inexplicable. Getting to know a horse, little by little, and letting it get to know you, is a very nice experience.

Does that emotional part attract you more than the competition?

Well, both things. I am a competitive person. But I think that if you don’t have the connection part with the horse, from the ground, it is impossible to win competitions.

Would you say that all riders have a special sensitivity?

A thousand by a thousand. You have to have that sensitivity to find the point of connection with the horse.

What is your horse like?

Jongleur has a good character, he is cheerful, he withstands pressure and he learns quickly. He is a horse that lets me dream and tests me.

Are horses happy?

I would say yes. We take great care of them. They have a month’s vacation, free and loose, grazing and without anyone riding them. And training is done with planning. I believe that if you want to reach a level, the animal that goes with you has to be happy.

When they can no longer compete, what happens to them?

Everything is evolving, today there are wonderful places where they live out their old age in freedom and you visit them every week. Now I can’t think about that, because to me Jongleur is like a son. But I know that his old age will come and that I will take care of him until his last day, as I will also do with my dogs. Animals have been part of my life since I was a child.

Model, decorator and now horse professional, what has each one contributed to you?

As a model I have been lucky enough to be able to travel all over the world and meet many people. Decoration has made me learn about materials and has allowed me to work with the creation of homes. And as for horse riding, it is a joy for me to meet the nobility of my horse every day. Before getting on him I tell him many times how handsome he is… And afterwards, the sensations are beautiful. When I train, I don’t think I’m training like I would in a gym.

Are you homesick for Sweden?

I go twice a year but I miss the air, its purity. As soon as I get off the plane I notice that smell of wet earth, even when it hasn’t rained. Oxygen enters you easier than in other places. There is no time that when I arrive, I don’t tell my family: “breathe, guys.” And I miss my father, who is getting older, and it is difficult for me not to have him around.

Is there something in which you already feel Spanish?

In the schedules. We eat at 2pm and my father is almost eating dinner. And here I feel more joy because it is easier to leave, enter, meet on the street… In Sweden you have to meet at a set time. Here it is: “I’ll stop by there in a bit.” And I love that, I find it fun.

The world of football is experiencing a revolution, what do you think of what is happening?

I feel that more is being said about the ugly and that this is downplaying the importance of them having been world champions. But I think it’s very good that people who have gone through things that shouldn’t happen have the courage to say so. As is also happening with the United States gymnasts.

Does any cause make your blood boil?

Injustices in general. All of them from day to day. I have a very strong sense of justice.

And do you express it?

More than 10 years ago. With age I feel freer and my position is clearer.

Reaching 50, how do you see life?

Life gets better every year. Partly because you gain freedom to express what you think and also to say no. Plus you’ve seen your children grow up and you have time for yourself again. I love that.

We had been told that this age was terrible and it turns out that it is the best?

Every year I turn, I say “this is the best age.” I don’t know how long I’ll keep saying it, I hope for a long time.

For years magazines wanted to know their healthy habits. And their daughters’ names have become fashionable. Are you aware of exerting influence?

I don’t think about that at all. I think it is very important to include good habits in education: eating well, exercising, sleeping… these are things that make you feel better. If I really have an influence as good as that, I’m happy. But it’s not something I think about.

How do you get along with the networks?

I have my Instagram but I’m not aware that people might be interested. For me it is like a diary in photographs, which will help me remember when I am 90 years old. I try not to get too naked, but sometimes I forget that people see it. The other day I went to a jewelry store and the girl told me “you have to change your earrings because you wear the same ones for everything: weddings, horseback riding…”. I suddenly realized that people look at it. When public I forget. I simply upload beautiful things.

Does being so beautiful have a difficult side?

I tell you the truth: I have never looked so beautiful. I started working very young as a model, and, in that world, you are one more. It has the difficult side of being labeled or idealized, although that is more about being known.

Your daughters are as beautiful as you. Would you have preferred them to be more normal?

For me the key and what helps to be happy, above all, is not external beauty, but the people who are part of your life. You have to surround yourself with people who are beautiful on the inside.

What is it about Figo and you that keeps the couple together?

Without generosity there is no couple that lasts. We are both generous, or we try to be.