He kills his tenant and keeps her body hidden for a month in his house in Alicante

National Police agents have arrested a 52-year-old man for allegedly killing a 66-year-old woman with whom he shared a flat in Alicante with a knife and hiding her body for a month in the house, wrapped in plastic bags and covered. with a duvet. The man called the police to confess that a month earlier he had violently ended the life of his tenant.

Room 091 received a call at 11:30 p.m. on Sunday in which a man told the agents that he had violently ended the life of a woman with whom he shared a flat, according to the National Police in a statement.

Agents from the Provincial Citizen Security Brigade of the National Police in Alicante went to the scene and found the body of a woman in an advanced state of decomposition, wrapped in plastic bags and covered with a duvet.

According to the alleged perpetrator of the homicide, the events took place on August 29 of this year, the day on which the man allegedly killed his roommate, with whom he had no romantic relationship, and allegedly used a knife to commit the crime. The Police have pointed out that, apparently, there was a previous history of arguments due to cohabitation between the perpetrator and the victim.

During the technical police inspection and removal of the body, the agents of the Provincial Scientific Police Brigade and the Violent Crime Group collected a knife with which the homicide was allegedly committed, as well as other objects and vestiges that may be useful in the investigation. investigation.

The house was in a “very poor, unsanitary state” and the agents found “depositions and remains of garbage throughout the home,” according to the Police.

The detainee will be placed at the disposal of the Investigative Court on duty in Alicante in the next few hours. The investigation has been taken over by the Violent Crime Group (Homicides) of the Provincial Judicial Police Brigade, which is working to fully clarify the facts.

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