* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In La Vanguardia Readers’ Photos we can see images of the Orionid meteor shower and the Milky Way, captured last night in Sant Julià Sassorba (Osona).

After a few cloudy nights, we have finally been able to see clearer skies due to the recent rains. This has made it possible to take these snapshots.

The maximum of the Orionid meteor shower was on the night of the 22nd. Last night I captured the images at dawn, when the moon had already set on the horizon.

These meteors come from comet 1P/Halley. They are of moderate activity and extend until November 7. They are high speed and radiate from the Orion constellation.

Its declination (16º) close to the Celestial Equator allows its observation from the entire planet. Meteors are yellow-green, formed by large particles that generate persistent traces.