The Onze de Setembre is a Catalan festival that has been appropriated by the independence movement, where excessive gesticulation and exuberance of the sets are often perceived. What happens is that this year, when the central debate should focus on the amnesty, which is a delicate matter and with which it is essential to proceed with exquisite restraint and extreme skill, statements have been made that make difficult the negotiations that have not formally been made. started. This is not the time when Catalan politics seems like the cabin of the Marx Brothers, where everyone knocks on the door to also ask for two hard-boiled eggs.

Nor is it time to rush. Impatience is one of the chronic evils of pro-independence politicians. “Haste is the passion of fools,” wrote Baltasar Gracián, who was the light version of Machiavelli. Jaume Asens, the person who was in charge of exploring with Carles Puigdemont the possibilities of an investiture pact, recalled on TVE that it would be difficult to approve an express amnesty and that forcing the machine would not be a good solution. Iván Redondo wrote along this same line yesterday, when he said that it cannot seem that this is about amnesty for investiture, but rather amnesty for reunion. In fact, when Alberto Núñez Feijóo recognized a few days ago the existence of a political problem with Catalonia and opted to find a constitutional fit, he was trying to reinforce democracy, seeking agreed solutions. It’s a pity that, the next minute, the hard-liners of the PP jumped on him.

There is no need to get nervous about the Diada parliaments, which are more for internal consumption by parties and organizations. But seriousness should be demanded from all of them, starting today. Asens has also said on television that “politics is the art of the possible and time management.” The competition between Junts and ERC to see who embodies the pata negra independence movement – ??and that of the ANC with respect to Òmnium – cannot be added obstacles to a negotiation for amnesty, which is the greatest exercise of magnanimity, as Redondo also recalled, and In the face of which there is no room for posturing, but rather maximum responsibility.