Carmen Otte has become the best-known and most sought-after bride in the country. The woman from Cádiz has gone from being a complete unknown to the press to being one of the most mysterious and desired characters in the world of the heart. The reason was her failed wedding with the bullfighter Juan Ortega, who stood her up on the same day of the wedding in front of 500 guests.

The cardiologist couldn’t believe what her ex-fiancé had done, and she still doesn’t believe it. Still sheltered in the family home in Jerez de la Frontera, the town where she was going to celebrate her lavish wedding, she lives in disbelief at how her life has taken a radical turn after almost a decade with the right-hander.

However, instead of coming out and attacking her ex-partner for what many consider a terrible “public humiliation”, the 33-year-old doctor has decided to shield herself and keep quiet in response. The young woman is in Cádiz, surrounded by her family and having a really bad time. So much so that she does not answer her phone or Juan Ortega, who would have tried to contact her to give him the necessary explanations about her.

The young woman, today, does not want to know absolutely anything; and despite the rumors that suggest that Juan Ortega himself would be trying to get her back after admitting her serious error in the ways in which he had made her decision, Otte would not want to know anything about the person who was once going to become her husband. her.

From her surroundings, it is clear to them, the young woman would be “sunken” and totally destroyed: “She did everything so that her life was perfect, she has always directed everything so that it would go well for her. That her future husband left her at the altar , for this to have happened to him, it must have been a hard blow.”

From TardeAR, Ana Rosa Quintana’s afternoon program, they have contacted one of the neighbors of Juan Ortega and Carmen Otte from Seville, a town where the couple lived until the connection was cancelled. Apparently, neither of the two has passed by the apartment they shared – despite the information that Ortega was in the house in the first hours after his “scare” – but relatives of Carmen Otte have been seen there. collecting his things. A gesture that indicates that everything would be over between them.

The young woman would have asked her family to go to Seville to get her belongings, leaving her to stay in Cádiz and not wanting to leave home. Furthermore, as reported by journalist Leticia Requejo in the program, it would have been recommended that she go with her friends on the failed honeymoon trip.

As for the bullfighter, he would also have decided to shield himself and not make public appearances after what happened. The right-hander remains in Seville, at his parents’ house, and there have been no images or reactions of him since last Saturday.