The State has stopped executing 49.6% of the budgets of Renfe and Adif in Catalonia – those responsible for the railway and suburban network and management – since 2010, according to a study carried out by the Ministry of Economy with published data by the Ministry of Development and the General Intervention of the State Administration (IGAE).

According to these data, a total of 3,639 million euros that were included in the General State Budgets of those years for these two public companies were never invested. This investment deficit, according to the Generalitat technicians, is behind the multiple breakdowns and incidents that during the last twelve months forced the railway service to be paralyzed in 284 days: 4 out of every 5.

According to the report that Councilor Natàlia Mas presented today at the Executive Council, the railway network is the main victim of the repeated non-execution of the State budgets in Catalonia. Thus, 72% of the budgeted investments that the government has stopped executing in Catalonia since 2013 correspond to Renfe and Adif.

In total, the Ministry’s study indicates, the State has left unexecuted investments of 4,398 million euros included in the budgets for Catalonia since 2013, and of this figure 3,199 million corresponded to railway investments.

According to the Ministry, the 4,398 million unrealized investments mean that the State has only executed on average 61% of what was planned in Catalonia since 2013. In contrast, the study points out, in that same period the state investment in the Community of Madrid exceeded year after year what was officially included in the public accounts, so that the execution of State budgets in the Community of Madrid has been, on average, 121%.

The worst year for State investment in Catalonia was 2021, when only 36% of what was expected reached the community, while in the best year, 2017, budget execution only reached 81% of the investments.

The Ministry of Economy also regretted that the Spanish government has not yet published the 2022 budget execution data, initially scheduled for May 30, and has suspended its presentation without a date. For 2022, Economia recalled, the Treasury has only published the execution data for the first semester, in which only 15.7% of the budgeted resources were invested, excluding the compensation that the state had to pay to Abertis for the end of the contract. of concession to several highways that it had in Catalonia.