The Godó Group will focus once again on the information coverage of the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia and on the analysis of the results and the scenarios that will open up in Catalan politics based on these results. The digital edition of La Vanguardia will be the best place to follow minute by minute the development of the election day and to have, with the help of the best analysts, the keys that will allow us to interpret not only the result of these elections with so many unknowns. to clear but also an immediate future marked by uncertainty regarding the configuration of parliamentary majorities.

From the first hour, with the constitution of the polling stations and the start of voting, a large team of professionals will be deployed to all the points of interest of the day to offer minute-by-minute monitoring. The advances in participation, which will allow the first comparisons to be made with previous elections, including the 2021 elections, marked by the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, will be the first thermometer of the behavior of the electorate.

Shortly before the closing of the schools and the publication of the exit polls, when there are a few minutes left before eight in the afternoon, the retransmission of a special program, directed and hosted by Enric Sierra, will begin on the La Vanguardia website. , deputy director of La Vanguardia, and Mayka Navarro, with live images of the electoral headquarters, the comments of the journalists who traveled to said headquarters (those of the eight formations with parliamentary representation, that of Aliança Catalana and the PSOE headquarters, PP and Sumar in Madrid) and with the intervention of the newspaper’s political analysts, who will evaluate the results as the scrutiny progresses. This broadcast can also be followed through platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, X and Twitch. Meanwhile, readers will also be able to follow the evolution of the general and provincial scrutiny and check through the interactive pactograph application the possible combinations for the sum of government majorities.

In its Monday paper edition, La Vanguardia will also offer extensive coverage in the Politics section, directed by editor-in-chief Silvia Angulo, with reports by party and territorial area, reactions to the results and analysis of the post-election scenarios.

RAC1’s Sunday programming will be entirely dedicated to coverage of the elections. The Via lliure by relay and, starting at six in the afternoon, special elections with Jordi Basté and Anna Vallhonesta, with twelve electoral connection points and analysis by the station’s regular talk shows. The program will continue until late into the night, when the final results are known.