Gavi, the Sevillian midfielder of FC Barcelona, ??left Nuevo Zorrilla 23 minutes into the game after receiving a blow to the knee. After lying on the ground for a while, he returned to the game with gestures of pain but immediately asked for a change and went to the locker room crying. According to Federation sources at half-time, Gavi’s injury is serious. He could have cruciate involvement and is awaiting tests to know exactly the extent.

Gavi was one of the only two players who repeated Luis de la Fuente in the starting eleven prior to the duel against Cyprus on Thursday. Luis de la Fuente spoke about his load of minutes in the preview and said of him that “he is hyperactive, he never stops, that is why he plays so much and so well. Good players never rest. He is physically gifted.”

At this point in the season, Gavi has accumulated 21 official matches and around 1,600 minutes played. While with the National Team he was the 27th in a row since he debuted with Luis Enrique in October 2021.