The days are lengthening and it shows in the spirit. Natural light is a chronoregulator that sets biological rhythms; That’s why spending more time outdoors – two hours a day is usually recommended – suits us so well. The plans are endless: vermouth on the terrace, hiking, watching or practicing open-air sports, first days at the beach, taking advantage of urban parks… The keys to well-being are very personal and, of course, free, but from the From the point of view of skincare, there is a mandatory commandment: sun protection.

From here, and taking into account its different formats and textures, you just have to adapt it to the tastes, the moment and the lifestyle of each one. The best choice? Experts always answer the same thing: the one used daily. The VIII Heliocare Observatory on photoprotection habits in Spain, based on 12,500 responses to its survey, highlights that the texture and easy application of the product, above the SPF, is what consumers value most – 36% – when choosing a photoprotector.

“It is not only vital to prevent skin cancer, but also to achieve and maintain your health and beauty,” says María Vitale, dermatologist and medical manager at Cantabria Labs. “Over expensive creams, it is the best investment to prevent skin cancer. premature aging,” says Dr. Alicia Merino, from the Dermik dermatology clinic. In the city, it doesn’t hurt to look for formulas rich in antioxidants to alleviate the effects of environmental pollution. Another option is to opt for treatment and makeup products that incorporate them. an SPF 30 or 50 to facilitate the routine.

With the first need covered, the outdoor beauty manual opens to color, multifunction and mini sizes that easily fit in your bag and are perfect for touch-ups. Some basics? Lip balm, hydrating mists to relieve the effort of athletes and something that is often forgotten: specific anti-stain sun protection for hands. One time to use it is when going to the salon to do semi-permanent nails, because drying machines also emit UV rays. Hats, caps, visors and the essential sunglasses are some of the fashion allies that help the endorphins flow.