The five councilors of the PP in the Valencian Council for Culture –Marta Alonso, Ascensión Figueres, José María Lozano, José Vicente Navarro and Inmaculada Vidal Bernabé– have signed an open letter addressed to the acting president of the body, Dolors Pedrós, in the one that accuses him of having made an “improper deviation” from the functions and responsibilities of this body due to the message on a social network in which he shows his support for the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua (AVL) as a regulatory body for Valencian. In his opinion, it is an “inopportune” and “inappropriate” text.

Last Friday the CVC showed its support for the AVL on its official X account (the network formerly called Twitter) after the statements by the Minister of Education, José Antonio Rovira, in which he assured that he does not believe that this entity “has the truth absoluta” over Valencian.

The AVL had issued a statement hours before that support in which it warned Rovira that “questioning the AVL itself and its linguistic regulations, as well as trying to revive a conflict that has been shown to be socially sterile and artificial, has a negative impact on the backbone linguistic, cultural and social of our people”.

In that text on Friday of support and adherence to the statement, the CVC stressed that the decisions of the AVL are “binding for the Administration” and stressed that it was its own Opinion on the Language of July 1998 that “recommended the creation of a normative body with legal personality and with binding decisions or opinions for the Administration and educational bodies”.

In the letter addressed to Pedrós, acting president and member of the CVC at the proposal of Compromís, the signatories state that they have known the text through the media “giving support to the AVL and adhering to its statement” and they ask themselves “in name of which members of the institution or of which collective body of the institution has this tweet been issued?” and “who have been consulted about it” since they assure that they have not been, according to the letter consulted by Europa Press. It so happens that one of the signatories, Ascensión Figueres, was president of the AVL for ten years.

“It is already extravagance – we believe that without precedents – to do it in the month of August in which the institution remains historically closed for vacations and, naturally, inactive. But if the form is unpresentable, the content requires nuances that are not irrelevant, beyond the evidence of the Opinion on Language, of July 1998, on the occasion of the proposal to create the Valencian Academy of Language (sic)”, they state in the text.

Along these lines, they add that “it is not customary for the CVC, the highest statutory institution for advising on culture of the Generalitat Valenciana and the public institutions of the Community, to adhere to or disagree with what other institutions may consider Neither the AVL, in this case, nor any other tenor analogue, requires a hypothetical support from the CVC”, maintain the signatory directors.

And at this point they allude to the past regional elections to point out: “If it is possible to understand that the CVC intends to establish itself as the last institutional redoubt from which to act against what was manifested by the majority of the Valencians in the regional call last May, and a way to oppose its current legitimate rulers – the Council chaired by the Honorable Molt Carlos Mazón, made up of the councilors and councilors that the president has designated for this purpose – the matter is more serious, since it substantially distorts the functions and objectives that establish the Law and Regulations by which we are governed”.

The signatories of the letter emphasize that “with all forcefulness and not the least bit of acrimony” they are not willing to “tolerate this improper deviation from our functions and responsibilities.” For this reason, they demand an “immediate rectification” both on the X platform and in the media that have echoed the publication of the tweet that leaves that text “without effect” “regardless of its content.”

This is not the first discrepancy of these directors with CVC decisions. On July 24, they absented themselves from a vote in which the advisory body approved by a majority in plenary a statement in which it “deeply” regretted the withdrawal of the name of the creator of the Valencian music group Al Tall, Vicent Torrent, from the Torrent Auditorium (Valencia).

“The respect and preservation of our culture as a whole must be the objective of all the active agents of a society and especially of the institutions that are at the service of all citizens and have to ensure a diverse cultural world”, defended the document.