A prank involving four minors in the town of Castiello de Jaca (Huesca) ended with a second home set on fire. The teenagers raided the house owned by a Zaragoza notary, forced a door and caused a random fire that they could not put out, but rather fueled it. A judge has sentenced the four families to pay half a million euros to the owner of the farm.

The events recounted by the Heraldo de Aragón happened last Easter and confirm that the gang agreed to the house that had been built by a notary from Zaragoza who did not go to town that weekend. The group took advantage of the fact that the back door did not close properly and they entered the interior. Then, with a stone, they broke the lock on the cellar and went inside, where they consumed several bottles of wine. As if the raid wasn’t enough, they went to the living room and played filling a glass with gasoline and then setting it on fire.

The four minors were not able to put out the great explosion that they had just caused, but also fanned the flames by throwing water and trying to put it out with a bed quilt. When the group realized that the fire was large, they fled the place. The Civil Guard located them why they immortalized their misdeed with photographs that they posted on social networks.

The teens were convicted of trespassing and gross negligence damages. Being minors when they caused the fire, their parents have been sentenced to assume more than 500,000 euros, in which the damage is quantified. Two of the kids will be on probation for two months, while a third must attend a day center and the fourth, who has just reached the age of majority, has been sentenced to perform social work. The sentence is appealable, but if it is final, the families will be responsible with their assets for the damages caused by their children.