The Mossos d’Esquadra have arrested a man accused of having stolen four bonsai trees from the Celler de Can Roca valued at 2,000 euros. According to the Diari de Girona, the theft happened in the early hours of February 16, when a man managed to enter the interior patio of the restaurant.

The alleged thief was dressed in a white tracksuit and a hat, a surprising outfit that made it difficult for him to go unnoticed. However, he managed to enter the premises and take the plants, worth about 500 euros each.

He did it, as this medium describes, in two batches. Therefore, she had to go in and out twice.

Those responsible for the restaurant reported the incident to the Mossos d’Esquadra the next day, and from there a police investigation was opened which a few weeks later led to the arrest of the alleged thief.

It was on March 7 in Girona and now the 37-year-old man is accused of being the alleged perpetrator of a robbery with force inside an establishment. In parallel, researchers have also been able to recover the bonsai trees and have returned them to the owners.

This article was originally published on RAC1.