Former ministers, former presidents of the Congress and Senate and former senior officials of the PSOE and the PP have signed a manifesto against the amnesty and the investiture pacts of Pedro Sánchez in which they consider that they represent “a fracture of basic principles of the rule of law.”

The text has been signed by eighteen ministers, most of them from the PP and UCD, but there are also socialists such as José Luis Corcuera, Javier Sáenz de Cosculluela and the former president of the Senate Javier Rojo.

They assure that it is “a moral duty” to express their rejection of “the flagrant and unacceptable violation of the constitutional principle of equality of all Spaniards before the law by seeking impunity for serious crimes committed, which represents a singular repeal of the Penal Code for beneficiaries thereof.”

They also regret that the principles of separation of powers are broken through the “spurious concept of lawfare” (judicialization of politics), the undermining that they believe is done to Congress and the establishment of economic and financial privileges for certain communities that they claim violates the principle of solidarity and will increase territorial inequalities.

They also criticize the threat to break up the single Social Security fund, they emphasize that the Spanish nation is “the only political nation” and they criticize the acceptance of an independence story about what happened in Catalonia that they consider false.

“Only with full loyalty to the rule of law and preserving the agreement and understanding that, based on the spirit of the Transition, have marked the path of the last 45 years (…), will we Spaniards be able to overcome this uncertain situation,” they add.

In addition to the former socialist ministers Corcuera and Sáenz de Cosculluela, the signatories include Esperanza Aguirre, Miguel Arias Cañete, Juan Carlos Aparicio, Isabel García Tejerina, Marcelino Orjea, Rafael Arias Salgado, Isabel Tocino, José Ignacio Wert and Rodolfo Martín Villa, members of the governments of Adolfo Suárez, José María Aznar or Mariano Rajoy.

There are also two former presidents of the PP Congress, Federico Trillo and Jesús Posada, and two former presidents of the Senate, the socialist Javier Rojo and the popular Esperanza Aguirre.

Along with them, former leaders of the PSOE such as Alejandro Cercas, Elena Flores, José María Mohedano, José Rodríguez de la Borbolla or Francisco Vázquez, as well as Rosa Díez, also former president of UPyD.