* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

This Saturday a new edition of the Fira de Sant Lluc started in Olot, in the Garrotxa region, with livestock, vehicles and stalls of artisan products and also with the drawing fair on this semi-sunny day.

According to the City Council, the Sant Lluc Fair dates back to the year 1315 and its origins are in livestock farming, closely linked to the migratory movements of herds.

The Fira takes place the weekend closest to the celebration of the Sant Lluc festival, October 18, patron saint of painters.

Today it is a multi-sector fair and is held in the center of Olot, distributed in different fair spaces. This exhibition includes the Livestock Fair, the Crafts Market, the AndrĂ³minas Market, the Drawing Fair, the Tastajocs space, the Used Vehicle Fair and the Clothing Market, among others.

In addition, there are more than 90 complementary activities such as the Trobada de puntaires, the family concert on Saturday morning or the activities included in the Drawing Fair.

One of the most traditional spaces of this celebration is the Livestock Fair where you can see samples of animals such as sheep, chickens, calves and horses from livestock farms in the Garrotxa region and neighboring regions, as seen in Photos of the Readers of La Vanguardia.

These are farms where the ranchers’ transactions still continue with the perseverance that is historically attributed to them.