The works of the new Morera museum in Lleida, the Morera Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani, in the building of the old Court, on Rambla Ferran, face their final stretch with the expectation that the facility can open its doors to the first visitors before for the year to end.

The workers focus their efforts on finishing the civil works to isolate the exhibition halls and begin the assembly of the more than 450 works “as soon as possible.”

The technicians are working on the consolidation of the tanneries discovered during the course of the works, on the ground floor of the new facility, so that it can be visited, as well as so that it is integrated into the rest of the building’s heritage. It is also contemplated that excavation work will continue in the area.

The Morera Museum opened its doors on May 11, 1917 in the old market of Sant Lluís and throughout its more than 100 years of history, it has been located in different locations, such as the second floor of the old Hospital de Santa Maria (the current Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs), the Roser convent and in the Casino building.

The museum was named Jaume Morera from 1925, after a new donation of work by this landscape painter from Lleida who was also one of its first promoters.

The collection includes nearly 4,500 works and is specialized in modern and contemporary art, with a significant weight from the city’s creators.

It has the largest international collection of Xavier Gosé and the collection of Leandre Cristòfol, one of the most relevant sculptors of 20th century Spanish art.

The museum also has paintings by the great names of Lleida plastic art from the first third of the 20th century, such as Morera, Gili y Roig, Viladrich or Samarra, by artists linked to the emergence of pictorial abstraction in Lleida in the 1990s. 50, by the authors linked to the Petite Galerie of the French Alliance and, finally, the new values ??of the plastic arts of the province of the eighties and nineties