Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s investiture speech will include criticism of the possibility of Pedro Sánchez granting an amnesty to those responsible for the process. Until now, the intentions of the acting President of the Government were a speculation, but the leader of the PP considers that Pedro Sánchez’s words in New York represent “a turning point in the democratic history of our country” because for the first time a president government “openly talks about the possibility of an amnesty in favor of those who committed crimes against Spanish democracy.”

That is why the candidate for the investiture will not limit himself to presenting his project and offer of State pacts and will incorporate into his speech an interpellation to the President of the Government about such intentions, so that the position of the PSOE on the amnesty is recorded before the deputies and the citizens.

The leader of the PP believes that his investiture process is now more necessary than ever, even if it turns out to be unsuccessful, because with his speech, Congress will be able to debate something that he believes the PSOE has wanted to avoid since Puigdemont made amnesty to lend as a condition. their votes.

Feijóo, who appeared yesterday before the media in Congress, accused Sánchez of “repeat electoral fraud” and of perpetrating “a deception on the Spanish people” because he did not show during the electoral campaign the disposition that he shows now, and because in fact He always maintained his opposition to this measure of grace, claiming that it did not fit into the Constitution.

The leader of the PP recalls that Sánchez promised to bring those who fled the process before the Spanish justice system, and that he “congratulated the judges for their sentences.” The same Sánchez who “even aggravated the sentences of the perpetrators of 1-O and the DUI, saying that it was not just a sedition but a rebellion.” For this reason, Feijóo insisted yesterday on talking about “a repeat and aggravated electoral fraud, because it is lying about lying.”

Feijóo used words similar to those of Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra last Wednesday. “It is an attack on democracy and the division of powers that the Constitution protects,” he denounced, since the amnesty goes “against the Constitution, against the division of powers and against himself” – in reference to Sánchez. For the leader of the PP, the amnesty “is the condemnation” and “an amendment to the entirety of democracy.” And if, as Sánchez says, justice should not have been used against what happened in Catalonia in 2017, “it is evident that it is an amendment to the entire rule of law,” he stated.

According to Feijóo, Sánchez’s statements also justify the public act of protest against the amnesty that the PP has called for Sunday. The candidate for the investiture sees “a clamor in society” in favor of stopping this drift, which is joined by more and more socialists “who dare to speak.” Members of the PSOE “who have done much more for Spain than the new ones who now sit on the blue bench”, he compared.

Feijóo also took the opportunity to denounce the approval of the use of official languages ??in Congress, which he considers “the first payment demanded by the nationalists” for Sánchez’s investiture, and which the PP’s legal services are analyzing to see if it is susceptible to appeal. For the substance, but also for the form, and here they point to the fact that the use of languages ??has been applied before the reform of the regulations was approved and to the expense made in advance to carry it out. In this sense, Feijóo recalled that “the splitting of public contracts is prohibited by law.”