The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is not yet seen in Moncloa but with the results of Sunday in hand, he is confident that he will be president of the Government when the scrutiny ends on July 23, at which time he considers that it should be opened ” a new political period” and in which the PSOE will have to reflect since, in its opinion, the Socialists need “a new leadership”. In an interview on Tele5, the popular leader has focused all his criticism on the current Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, whom he has implicitly wanted to confront his fallen barons in the recent municipal and regional elections.

“Sánchez is a worse candidate than the mayors and many socialist presidents” who have lost their power “overcome by sanchismo” and by “the national code campaign” that, in his opinion, the chief executive carried out, Feijóo has warned to conclude that Sánchez “will get worse results” than them on 23-J. For the Galician leader, his opponent “does not represent the PSOE, he represents himself” and has called the elections basically to “not have a motion of censure” within the party and to tell those who have lost power that they integrate into the electoral lists. His intention, Feijóo points out, is “to protect himself, to think of himself.”

“If what happened to me happens to me – the unfortunate results of the PSOE on 28-M – my answer would be not to run for general elections,” continued the popular president, who has accused Sánchez of having mutated the PSOE, in the sanchista party and yesterday, alluding to the speech he gave to his deputies and senators “indicating judges, journalists, supermarkets and the head of the opposition, for having condemned him. “Where is the PSOE?”, he asked.

The leader of the PP has branded the current PSOE as a “Cesarista party” and has argued that those who disagreed with Sánchez in the primaries are no longer there and even those who helped him win the primaries were also thrown out. “The PSOE knows what it has to do, but it is not a state party,” he added because, in his opinion, “a state party cannot agree with those who go against the state.”

Feijóo has also lamented “the arrogance and egocentrism” that he attributes to Sánchez who, in his opinion, “has to be punished at the polls” and has defended the value of “humility as a basic principle for doing politics”. “Since I arrived I have tried to understand myself with Mr. Sáñchez” on various issues with proposals and documents, he explained and “he has not even answered me.”

For all this, the president of the PP has defended “repealing sanchismo” and with this argument he has asked Vox to let the PP govern where it depends on it. “If they want to repeal sanchismo, they are in a position to facilitate it,” he reminded those of Santiago Abascal. “If what they want are ministries and levels of power, this is something else,” he acknowledged, leaving a warning to the extreme right: “I hope that no one interrupts the change or what comes out of the polls.”

In any case, he has reiterated that his objective is to govern alone and for this he has wanted to dismantle the idea that absolute majorities do not exist. On this point, the popular leader has vindicated the absolute majorities in Galicia and Andalusia achieved in the past and the recent ones in Madrid and La Rioja, in addition to pointing out that in the Balearic Islands the PP has more than all the left combined. After admitting that his relationship with Abascal “is absolutely cordial” he has indicated that “we have a different political project.” For this reason, he has made it clear that the absolute majority is his model and that he is not going to renounce that model.

Feijóo has also revealed that the party is already working on an agenda for the first hundred days and that they will look for the best people to occupy the ministries, which it has limited to 13, against “the most expensive government of democracy”.

The head of the main opposition party has also charged against the date chosen by Sánchez for the general elections, in “full vacation exodus”, with “temperatures above 40 degrees” in certain parts of the country “such as Córdoba and Jaén” and in “full bridge” of Santiago in four Autonomous Communities. However, he has called on the public to go to the polls on 23-J. “We Spaniards are called to the polls more than ever, I ask everyone to go vote”, Feijóo has claimed to prevent Spain from occupying the headlines of the international press for “unfortunate participation” as a result of a decision that he has called “unheard of” and “surprising”, taken by the same government that recently “issued instructions on the heat and drought that even affected working hours”.

Feijóo has also referred to the Spanish presidency of the EU that begins on July 1 and that can be altered by the replacement in the Government, something the leader of the PP has described as “slamming the door of the EU”. In spite of everything, he has assured that he wants “Spain to have a good role” and has demanded from the Government all the information in this regard and that a consensus can be reached. “The least we ask is that they call us to explain the contents and that this be agreed upon,” he demanded.