Thousands of people gathered this Sunday in the Plaza Consistorial of Pamplona, ??next to the City Hall, against the agreement between the PSOE and EH Bildu to, through a motion of censure, snatch the mayor’s office of the Navarrese capital from the Navarrese People’s Union ( UPN) and deliver it to the Abertzale coalition, thanks to the votes of the socialist councilors.

The rally, called by UPN, was joined by the PP, with Alberto Núñez Feijóo and part of the Popular Party’s leadership, to highlight “the indignity and immorality” of the agreement that the president of the PP calls “the hooded pact.” between the Socialist Party and “the heirs of the terrorist group ETA.”

During the rally, called under the title “Pamplona is not for sale”, the mayor of Pamplona, ??Cristina Ibarrola, took the opportunity to say goodbye to the people of Pamplona, ??”we leave with our heads held high” and assure that “we will return”, amidst applause. and cries of “Pamplona is not for sale”, as well as rebukes of “out, out”, every time the mayor cited Pedro Sánchez, while the quotes to Feijóo were greeted with shouts of president, president. The quotes to María Chivite” or the PSOE were welcomed by those gathered with cries of “lying socialists.”

Chants of “go for them, oe”, and slogans that “the city is with us” or that if “the elections were repeated, we would have more support than in May.” And a warning to the PSOE, “we are not going to forgive you, we are not going to forget it and we are not going to forgive it”, while asking them to “stop lying” and “tell the victims of ETA to their face” who does it to have “a progressive mayor’s office.” The words of the mayor of Pamplona concluded amid cries of “scum, scum”, recovering the word spoken by the president of UPN, Javier Esparza, in the Navarrese Parliament, addressed to the Socialist Party of Navarra and María Civhite.

In statements to the media before the start of the event, Feijóo stressed that “it was a democratic, moral, constitutional and regional obligation” to attend the rally, to say “that it makes no sense that everything we have done in Spain fight against terrorism and those who do not condemn it, we have destroyed it by handing over the mayor of Pamplona to the party that still does not condemn terrorism and that has murderers on its municipal and regional lists.

Therefore, for Feijóo, the opposition to the motion of censure, “is not a problem of acronyms, but of dignity, democracy and morality”, which also transcends the capital of Navarra because it involves the payment that the socialists give to Bildu for having supported the investiture of Pedro Sánchez..

According to the president of the PP, Pedro Sánchez, with this agreement, he is committed to “indignity and oblivion”, while the PP, he stressed, defends “the dignity and memory of the victims.” The PP also rejects the attempt to mask this “disguised agreement” with the desire for Pamplona to have “a progressive mayor”, because, it said, “it is reactionary, an indignity and a misery to say that a progressive mayorship is won”, although the socialists lose “their dignity and memory.” He, he stressed, “would be incapable of giving a party that has murdered my colleagues the mayorship of the capital of Navarra.”

The president of the PP also highlighted the contradiction between the fact that he had asked him, at the time, to support the socialist candidates in the mayoralties of Vitoria and Barcelona, ??so that the independentists would not govern, and the PP has given it to him, and now the PSOE “is the one who gives to an independence brand and what is worse, the heir of a terrorist organization.”

Words very similar to those spoken by Javier Esparza, who recalled that the person who is going to be mayor “was removed by the citizens, from the mayor’s office, in 2019”, because they did not want him, because he belongs to a party “that still does not condemn terrorism “.

Esparza assured that the motion of censure is “an attack on all Spanish democrats”, because it means “handing it over to the nationalist fascists” and saying that “a party where murderers are active has more legitimacy than a party that has two victims of terrorism.” , and that is why he criticizes the Socialist Party “which no one recognizes anymore.”

The president of UPN stressed that the socialists “sell Pamplona in exchange for the six votes in Madrid and sell this land for Pedro Sánchez’s chair”, to conclude that “this outrage cannot be pleasing to them”, but the Navarrese will show them ” that Pamplona does not sell or give up”