The president of the PP agrees on one thing with the president of the Government: Doñana does not touch himself. But he believes that the way to achieve this common goal is not by attacking Andalusia and the president of the Junta, which is why he calls on the Government to “stop insulting the Andalusian president” and sit down to find solutions for Doñana. Alberto Núñez Feijóo refers to the words of Vice President Teresa Ribera who accused Juanma Moreno of acting “with the arrogance of the gentleman” after the Andalusian Parliament approved yesterday to start the processing of a bill of the PP and Vox to legalize irrigation in the Natural Park.

“The Government – Feijóo said in statements to the press after attending an informative meeting with the candidate for the Valencian Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, organized by El Mundo – has an erratic hydraulic policy, and has been able to confront the autonomous communities without to solve the problems”. Now, he stressed, “instead of speaking to see how the problems of hundreds of families who have been without a solution to their problems since 2014, and who have land 30 kilometers from the park, are resolved, instead of sitting down with the Board, which they do it is insulting the president of the Junta, calling him a superb gentleman, and saying that Andalusia is a little corner” on the map of Spain.

For Feijóo, the Government has to stop “constantly disqualifying”, and if there is a problem, sit down to solve it, but “with a minimum of rigor in its hydraulic policy” and “ceasing to confront the communities.” It must also seek solutions for “hundreds of families that the PSOE left stranded in 2014” and, of course, “caring for the Doñana National Park”, he said that “he has been waiting for years” for the infrastructures to which the Government has committed. That is why he believes that no one is going to believe that the government is interested in Doñana.

The president of the PP supports the solution provided by the Junta de Andalucía, although he is open to other solutions that the Government and Junta de Andalucía may find if they sit down to talk.

Feijóo explains that the lands in question were left unregulated in 2014, when the PSOE governed Andalusia, and are located 30 kilometers north of Doñana. Moreno has therefore found a “factual situation, which must be solved, “of course preserving the jewel, guaranteeing the park’s aquifers and looking for solutions”, Feijóo explains that, however, the Government, instead of make the promised infrastructures and look for solutions, to preserve the park, and look for solutions, he has also crossed another line, “calling the legitimate president of the Board arrogant gentleman. ” In his opinion, “arrogance is left over and solutions are lacking.”

The president of the PP also referred to the yes is yes law, after it became known that there are already 943 sexual offenders who have seen their sentences reduced, and of them 100 released, which he considers “a scandal”, and while , he said, “the Government continues to argue among itself, between the three parties that make it up, and has not been able, in six months” to reform this legislative botch. “That yes, he stressed, in that time the crime of sedition and has lowered the penalties for the crime of embezzlement, and that, he said, “because he is more interested in protecting his coalition than in protecting “Spanish women.

Feijóo recalled that the PP has given its support to the Government to modify the law and hopes that “we can reach an agreement in Congress, and that the PSOE, together with the PP amendments, protect the law to protect women.”

The president of the PP also spoke about the Ferrovial shareholders’ meeting, which this Thursday decides whether to change its headquarters from Spain to the Netherlands, something that Feijóo blamed on government laws that put obstacles to investment. “The fact that the government is pointing out names and surnames to businessmen, and is legislating against attracting or maintaining investments, has secondary effects.”

For Feijóo it is “very bad news” that Ferrovial can make this decision”, but he considers that what must be achieved is that the shareholders “have reasons to stay”, and that is what he plans to do when he governs”.